Deep Down Under

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"Morning, sleepyhead,"

Adelaide yawned and tiredly glared at her sister via the Dino Comm. "You're awake and I hate you," she grumbled.

"Did you have a good nights sleep?"

"Speaking of good night sleep, why are you still awake?" Adelaide asked. "Isn't night time in California?"

"Yep. We're actually at Kendall's apartment right now."

"Ooh! Sleepover."

"Nice," Chase grinned.

Adelaide wrinkled her nose and pushed Chase away. "Ew!" she cringed.

Chase laughed and wandered back to the others as Riley appeared at Adelaide's shoulder. "We found the Purple Energem," the green ranger said.

"Thank you, Riley," said Sasha. "Was it bonded to anyone?"

"Yes, Albert Smith."

"Bigfoot Albert?"

Riley nodded.

"So, that means Plesio is awake then?"

Adelaide and Riley exchanged looks.

"I can tell by the looks on your faces you hadn't thought that far ahead," Sasha sighed.

"Hey, it's early, give us a break!" Adelaide whined.

Sasha chuckled and shook her head. "Well, it seems, you won't be flying home today," she said.

"But, we're all ready!" Adelaide protested.

"I know, but until you find the Plesio Zord it's vital that you stay in New Zealand," Sasha explained.

Adelaide huffed.

"Besides, would you rather be out there or here, working in the cafe?"

Adelaide pursed her lips and tossed the Dino Comm to Riley. "Talk to him," she said. "I'm gonna go find something fun!"

Catching the Dino Comm, Riley rolled his eyes as Sasha laughed. "She's intense," he said. "It's not even noon and she's ready to go."

"That's Ade," Sasha said. "She used to drive my parents crazy. You know that scene from the Lion King, where Simba is pestering his parents?"

"Yeah," Riley nodded.

"My dad used to compare Adelaide to that," Sasha chuckled.

Riley smiled and looked to where Adelaide was playing at the edge of the docks.

"Anyway, what are your plans for today?" Sasha asked. "How are you going about finding Plesio?"

"We're going to talk to some scientist named Dr Runga," Riley said. "Shelby thinks he can tell us where to start looking."

"Did he say Dr Runga?" Kendall's voice joined the conversation, and seconds later her face appeared behind Sasha. "If anyone knows about Plesiosaurus, it's him. Keep us informed."

Riley nodded and switched off the Dino Comm. "Hey, Ade," he called, tossing it back to her.

"Thanks," Adelaide said, slipping the comm into her backpack.

"Everyone ready?" Shelby asked, stepping off the yacht and making her way towards the others. They were waiting near the SUVs that were still their transportation.

The others nodded and climbed into their respective cars.


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