One More Energem

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With bated breaths, the Rangers watched as the small robot wheeled through the base. It moved with ease through several obstacles and stopped beside the table. With a clawed hand, it lifted up a rag, revealing the red Energem.

"Red Energem found," it announced.

"Good heavens," Ivan gasped.

"Awesome!" Tyler grinned, kneeling to take the energem from the robot as it returned. "It worked perfectly."

"And that is how Get-bot is going to find the purple Energem on Sledge's ship," Kendall explained.

"It's better than going to the ship ourselves," Adelaide agreed.

"Yes, but..." said Riley, lifting Get-bot off of the ground, "how do we get it into a transport pod so Get-bot can get up there?"

"Sledge has an Energem now," said Chase. "I have a feeling we're going to see him sooner rather than later."

"We need to counter Sledge's moves with everything we've got," Kendall agreed. She smiled as the doors behind the team opened. "Including the graphite ranger."

Adelaide looked around and smiled as Philip entered the base.

"Good to see you, Sire," Ivan said, greeting Philip with a small bow.

"You too, Sir Ivan," Philip replied. He looked around the base and found Adelaide. She smiled as she met his gaze. "I'm ready."

"Welcome back, Prince!" Koda said, patting Philip heavily on the shoulder.

Sasha laughed lightly, placing her hand on Koda's shoulder. "Easy, big guy," she said. "We need him able to fight."

"Oh, sorry," Koda apologised.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Kendall wheeled around and hurried over to the computer, Adelaide and Chase followed as the others crowded around also.

"What is it, Ms Morgan?" Chase asked.

"Transport pods are entering the atmosphere," Kendall replied, reading from the screen. "Here's our chance."

"Let's go!" Tyler announced, leading the way out of the base.


"These are the coordinates," Kendall said, arriving at the forest with the team. They were already morphed and ready for battle.

"I don't see any pods," said Shelby, looking around the area.

"I do," Adelaide said, pointing into the air. "And there is a lot of them!"

"Keep them distracted," Kendall instructed. "Ivan and I'll work our way around to the rear and plant Get-Bot in a transport pod."

"Be careful," Tyler warned. "They've got an Energem now, it's a whole new ball game."

Ivan nodded and hurried off after Kendall.

Adelaide turned to the sound of a gunshot and gasped as Sledge flew into view over the tree tops. "We've got company!" she said.

Sledge hovered over the Rangers and fired the blaster in his hands. A purple haze clouded the Rangers, locking them in place.

"Can't move!" Tyler said, his voice strained as he tried to break free.

With a laugh, Sledge landed on the ground opposite the Rangers. "I'm starting to see why you Rangers have been so tough to beat!" he said, as Fury, a horde of vivixs, and two spikeballs appeared behind him. "These Energems are pretty powerful."

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