Royal Rangers

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Riley sighed and rested on the gold and purple sign outside of the Dino Museum. "Ah, this is going to be pretty sweet," he said to Adelaide who had been tasked with helping him set up. "The treasures of Zandar."

"I don't understand," Adelaide said, jumping out from behind the sign. "What have the treasures of Zandar got to do with Dinosaurs?"

"Nothing," said Riley, frowning.

"Then why are we hosting a gallery on treasures of another country, when we're clearly a dinosaur museum?"

"Ms. Morgan wanted a new exhibit," Riley answered. "And the royal family of Zandar was more than happy to donate these relics."

"That doesn't answer my question," Adelaide said.

"I don't know the answer to your question," Riley said. "All I know is these relics belong in a museum, and the royal family asked Kendall to display them. They paid her a lot of money, so why would she refuse?"

Adelaide shrugged. "It's still weird," she said.

"You're weird," Riley said, following her around the back to the loading bay.

"So every keeps saying," Adelaide laughed. She spotted Chase ahead, setting up a large board of a man. and run forward, jumping onto his back.

Chase stumbled forward but quickly regained his balance. "Whoa, careful, Ade," he said. "Do you know how long it took me to set this up?"

"What, distracted by the pretty girls' in the cafe?" Adelaide teased.

Chase scowled and shrugged dropped her from his back.

"Oof!" Adelaide huffed as she hit the floor. "Meanie."

Chase laughed and pulled her back up as Riley rolled his eyes at their antics.

"Wow, this exhibit has the 'Stone of Zandar'," Riley breathed after seeing the board Chase had been setting up.

"What's that?" Shelby asked, arriving with Tyler and Koda.

"Well, if you believe the legend, it all started when the knight, Sir Ivan, found the stone," Riley explained.

"Knights are so awesome," Chase said.

"Uh-huh!" Adelaide agreed. She was perched, once again, on Chase's back, waiting for Riley to finish his story.

"So, what happened?" Koda asked, also intrigued.

"Well, supposedly, hundreds of years ago, the young prince of Zandar was being escorted by Sir Ivan. Along their travels, the prince became thirsty and asked Sir Ivan to fetch him some water."

"Urgh, seriously?" Shelby scoffed. "Just because he's a prince, he can't say please?"

Koda giggled and Adelaide grinned.

"Uh, that's not the point of the story," Riley said. "Anyway, while they were stopped to get some water, the knight noticed something shimmering in the creek. He reached out, only to find -" he broke off as Koda put two fingers to his lips.

"Shh," Koda said, looking around. "Sounds like big eagle."

"That's no eagle, mate," said Chase, racing to the opening as the guards stumbled back in fear and alarm.

Adelaide dropped from Chase's back and pointed into the sky. "Ptera Zord!" she yelled.

The Petra Zord screeched again and unloaded a series of lightning bolts onto the unsuspecting city.

"We need some fire power," Chase said.

"Hmm." Adelaide nodded.

The two stepped forward and threw their Dino Chargers into the air. "Summon Zords!" they yelled.

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