Rise of a Ranger

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"I thought Adelaide was bad when it came to cash handling," Sasha said, helping Ivan sort through the coins in his hand.

"Everything is so different these days," Ivan said.

"There's also the fact that Zandar is in Europe," Sasha said. "Their currency is different to ours."

"Indeed, M'lady," Ivan nodded.

Sasha smiled and shook her head. "Here," she handed him the correct change. "Put this in the slot, and I'll start packing."

Ivan did as instructed and Sasha started to pack up the grocery's they had been sent to collect. The cafe was running low on fresh vegetables and fruit, and she'd been tasked with replacing them while the others set up. She'd taken Ivan to give him a chance to get used to modern day things.

"Ready?" Sasha asked, packing away the last of the supplies.

Ivan took two bags from her and followed her from the store.

"I can carry them myself," Sasha said.

"You need not, M'lady," Ivan said.

Sasha laughed and took one of the bags from him. "In this time, we share the responsibilities of things," she said. "So, you carry one and I'll carry the other."

"Fair enough," Ivan said.

The two walked in silence for a few minutes, before Sasha spoke again. "How are you finding being here?" she asked, curiously. "You and the team get on well, just like I knew you would. But how are you, personally?"

"It is still very confusing," Ivan admitted. "Being a Ranger is similar to being a Knight, so I am thankful I have no lot everything. But everything is so... big," he looked around at the city buildings.

"The city takes a while to get used to, I'll agree," Sasha nodded. "When Adelaide first came here, she called me several times a day because she was so lost and confused. I was lucky that she had Chase to show her around though. I don't think I could've coped knowing she was out here getting lost."

"She is very lucky to have you," Ivan commented.

Sasha smiled. "Thanks," she said. "You mentioned, you had children in the past."

Ivan nodded.

"Tell me about them," Sasha said. "What were they like?"

"Tristan, my eldest, was very much like me as a boy," Ivan said. "He was very hard working. The day before I was captured, he told me he wanted to be a physician."

"You must have been so proud to hear that he wanted to help people," Sasha said.

"I was," Ivan nodded. "I will admit, I had wanted him to be a knight, but as long as he was helping someone, I did not mind how."

"And your daughters?"

"Cora and Victoria," Ivan sighed. "They were so much like their mother. Happy and carefree."

Sasha placed her hand on his arm. "I'm sorry, Ivan, I shouldn't have asked," she said. "Reliving those memories must be hard on you."

Ivan nodded. "It is, M'lady, but I do not blame you," he said. "It is not your fault that I did not see what became of them."

"There is a way to find out," Sasha said.

"There is?" Ivan asked.

Sasha nodded. "These days we have books and the internet, I'm sure there is something out there that has information on your family. I could do some research. Only if you wish, of course," she added quickly.

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