World Famous (In New Zealand)

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"Excuse me, guys."

"Whoa! Coming through."

"Whoa! Make way."

"Excuse me, guys."

Sasha looked up from the work schedule just as Adelaide and Chase skated into the cafe. "Do you guys even pay attention when I scold you?" she asked. "How many times have you been told about skateboarding indoors?"

"Several?" Adelaide asked. "But we had to get here quickly. You're going to be want to see this."

"See what?" Shelby asked, leaning across the table.

"This," said Chase, slamming a newspaper article down on the table. "Someone took a photo of a UFO. Look familiar?"

"Hey! That is Sledge's transport pod," Koda said.

"Photo was taken by Albert Smith," Riley said, reading the small print.

Tyler snatched the paper from the green Ranger and inspected the small printed article himself. "Albert gives Bigfoot tours?" he asked. "Cool."

"We need to check this out right away," Kendall said, taking the paper.

"Yes!" Chase said, clapping his hands. He reached for the paper and turned it over. "Albert lives in New Zealand, my home country."

The Rangers grinned and Shelby reached for the work schedule. "Change the schedule, Ms. Morgan, we're heading down under," she said, happily.

As the others celebrated, Sasha pulled Adelaide aside. "Is the Prince still in town?" she asked.

"Yep. He has back to back meetings this morning," Adelaide said. "I sent him a quick message after Chase and I picked up the newspaper. He said he'd be more than happy to fly us out to New Zealand."

"Great, let me know when you've landed," said Sasha.

Adelaide's smile dropped and she stared at her sister. "It's okay to be scared, you know," she said. "But the chances of it happening again are, what, 1 in a billion?"

"I know, but even the mental image of getting on a plane makes my hands sweat," Sasha said.

"Even a private jet?" Adelaide asked. "There's only the team on there."

Sasha forced a strained smile and shook her head. "I'm going to stay here and help Kendall," she said. "Besides, if you do happen to find anything Ranger related, you're not going to want a civilian on your hands. You'll have enough to do with the innocents of New Zealand."

"Okay, if you're sure," Adelaide said.

"Just promise me you won't get lost," Sasha said. "Or side-tracked, or distracted, or hurt... or -"

"Okay!" Adelaide cried, holding her hands up in defense. "I get it!"

Sasha laughed and wrapped Adelaide in a hug. "Good luck," she said.

"Thanks," Adelaide replied, hugging her sister back tightly.


As the plane landed in a private airspace, the Rangers grabbed the little luggage they had packed and stepped out into the warm New Zealand weather. Parked not that far away were two black SUV's, both equipped with personal drivers.

"I thought you said it was winter time?" Adelaide asked Chase.

"It is," Chase said, leading the way to the front SUV. The driver opened the rear end of the car and allowed the team to stow their bags inside. "Remember we're on the opposite side of the world, Ade, our winter is in the summer over here."

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