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Ashly's POV:

I watched the list of scores come up, watching for my brother's name. In the #1 spot appeared the name Zane Truesdale.

"Yeah! You did it, Zane!" I cheered, hugging him.

Zane patted my back slightly awkwardly. He wasn't all that used to being hugged. "Well, I tried my best."

"Your best is the best!"

He smiled. (DEAD KITTEN ALERT) "Well, Ashly, it appears I need to pick an opponent. Who do you think I should chose?"

I thought back, way back, to the first half of the year. Syrus and Jaden had gotten in trouble for something big, and they'd had to participate in a tag duel. Syrus was so nervous, Jaden challenged Zane to show that they could accomplish something. Unfortunately, Jaden ended up losing for the first time.

"Well, Jaden always wanted a rematch....." I thought out loud.

Zane nodded. "Jaden it is then. We'll stop by the Slifer dorms later to ask him if he would."

-later, at the toolshed-

I knocked swiftly at the door. Maya answered it. "Hey, Ash, what's up?"

"Is Jaden here?" I asked.

"Nice to see you too," she joked, but let us in. "Hello, Zane."

Zane gave her a nod, then turned to Jaden. "Jaden."

"What up, Zane?" Jaden said excitedly. "Heard about the duel! Congrats and good luck!"

"Well, good luck to you too, Jaden," I replied with a smile.

Jaden nodded vigorously, then stopped. "But I'm not in the duel!"

"Yes you are," Zane said.

"No I'm not!"

Syrus picked up the call first. "Zane, you're not serious!"

"Serious as a heart attack."

Jaden figured it out next. "No way!"

Maya glared at them. "Please explain what is happening!!!!"

Jaden pointed at Zane, then at himself, and his mouth dropped open. Instantly Maya's did too. "Oh. My. Holy. Egyptian. Gods."

"See you at the duel," Zane said calmly. "You know, three years at this school and never once did I set foot in this dorm. Perhaps I should have. It may need a bit of sprucing up." He smiled a bit, then turned and left.

I gave them a smile and ran after him.

"So, you think he wants to duel you?" I asked.

Zane nodded. "Jaden cannot resist a rematch with someone he's lost to, believe me."

I nodded back.

-the next day, not at the toolshed-

Zane and Jaden stood on the stage, and the duel commenced.

-another time skip brought to you by Fusionshipping-

"I play Final Fusion!" Jaden shouted.

"With that move, it'll end in a draw!" Atticus exclaimed.

It did. But with the move, Jaden flew back and landed on his rear end rather ungracefully. Maya instantly ran onto the stage, sitting next to him to check and see if he was okay. I joined her to make sure Zane was all good too.

My brother walked over to Jaden, who was laughing. Suddenly, he flopped onto the ground next to Jaden and laughed as well, actually laughing. Maya and I quickly joined them, all four of us laughing.

This year was over, but I couldn't help wondering, what would the next years bring?

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