Imagine 6

11 1 0

On Monday morning I woke up and went to school. At first it felt like a normal day, but in Math first period, we were in the middle of the lesson when a boy walked in.

"Oh, you must be Shawn, the new student." My teacher said.

"Yes I am. Where do I sit?"

"You can sit beside Claire. Claire, make sure you fill him in on the new lesson."

Shawn came and sat down beside me and said hi.

"Hey, I'm Shawn."

I looked up and saw a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Claire."

He smiled at me and he had the biggest smile I have ever seen. I looked at the clock and saw that there were only ten minutes left of the class.

"I guess you can come over to my house and I can catch you up on the lesson after school." I told Shawn.

I gave him my house address and the bell rang. I packed my stuff up and made my way to second period.

*skip the rest of the school day*

I was up in my room getting all my notes and books ready for when Shawn got here. Then the door bell rang and I bolted down the stairs before my parents could open the door.

I opened the door and saw Shawn standing on the other side.

"Hey, Shawn. Come on in."

I led him up the stairs and to my room. I moved my textbook to my bed and told Shawn he could sit down there.

"Shawn you can just sit down on my bed if you want."

"Okay." He said siting down.

We were in the middle of a math problem and Shawn did not get it.

"Okay, wait. So not matter what whenever you have a right triangle and are solving for a unknown side a^2+ b^(2 ) always equals c^2?"


"Here let me see."

Shawn wrestled me for the textbook and I laughed.


He chucked the textbook across the room and noticed the guitar in the corner of my room.

"Do you play guitar?"

I looked over at my guitar and the back at Shawn.

"No. I don't know how."

"Here, let me teach you."

Shawn got up off my bed and grabbed the guitar. He came back and sat back down.

"Here, this is a G string."

Shawn played a G string.

"Now you try."

Shawn passed me the guitar. I took it from him and strummed but failed miserably. Shawn then came behind me and placed my fingers on the right places and held my other hand. The second that his hand touched my hand my breath hitches. He strummed the guitar with my hand, but after strumming he did not let my hand go, but I for some reason I was glad he didn't let go. I didn't want him to. I looked up at Shawn and he was staring into my eyes. He leaned in towards me slowly and we kissed. It was gentle and delicate. I felt sparks the second I felt his lips on mine. We pulled away and I looked up at Shawn and smiled. We both ended up just staring into each others eyes. Best day ever.

Shawn Mendes ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now