Imagine 16

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Emma POV

Have you ever loved something so much and then have it taken away from you? I love writing songs in music class, but when my teacher told the class the school board was cutting the music program, it felt like my whole world came crashing down.

And now, I'm in Math class writing a song in my notebook, not paying attention to the lesson. The bell rang and I grabbed my things and rushed out the door to go home.

Once I got home I headed up to my room and got out my notebook from my backpack, only to find it missing! This is not good! Where could it be?

Shawn POV

I was siting in Math class today waiting for the bell to ring. Eventually it did and I started to pack my stuff up slowly. All of a sudden someone rushed by me and my eyes catch something that falls to the ground in front of me.

I get out of my seat and bent down to pick it up. I stood back up with the book and wiped it off. I read the title, Emma's songs ❤️.

I looked back at the door only to find Emma not there, so I took it home and decided I would give it to her tomorrow morning.

*Skip to tomorrow morning*

I got to school and saw Emma putting her stuff in her locker, she looks really stressed out. I went up to ask her what was wrong.

"Emma, are you okay?"

"No, I lost my notebook yesterday after school and I have no idea where it is or what has it!" She said freaking out.

"Emma, calm down. About that, here," I said handing her notebook to her. "I found this in front of me yesterday, so I'm guessing you dropped it on your way out. But don't worry, I didn't read it."

All of a sudden she hugs me tight and buried her head into my neck. "Thank you, Shawn."

I hug her back tightly, "No problem."

We pulled away and she asks, "Do you want to come over to my house today?"


"Can you bring your guitar as well?"

"Of course, I have it in my locker. Do you need a ride home?"

"Yes please."


*Skip to the end of the day*

Emma and I are on our way to her house and once we get there, I realized that her house is only a few blocks away from mine. We're get inside and head up stairs to her room.. I put my guitar down and faced her.

"So, what..." I was cut off by her tackling me in a hug. I hugged her back and I could hear her crying.

"Emma, what's wrong?"

"Our school is cutting the music program."

*She. It's okay." I told her hugging tighter and stroking her hair. Emma pulled away from me and we sat down on the floor. We cuddled while she finished crying. Once Emma was done, I lifted her head up to look at her, and told her we should do her favorite thing besides music. She could up and came back in with a stack of movies.

"Were binge watching Harry Potter, and you are staying until every movie is done, even if that means all night." Emma told me.

"You love Harry Potter too!?" I explained.

"Who doesn't?"

"I know right!"

Emma put the first movie in and we went back to cuddling while we watched.

In the middle of the second movie someone called Emma for dinner.

"Emma, dinner!"

We got up and went down stairs.

"Mom, can we eat in my room and continue watching Harry Potter?"

"Who's we?" Her mother asked turning around.

"Oh, I didn't know your boyfriend was over."

"Mom! Shawn's my friend!"


We went back upstairs and continued watching the movies. Once the last Harry Potter was over I looked over at Emma and she was sleeping. I picked her up and placed her gently on her bed, I took my shirt off, because I always sleep with no shirt on, then I laid down beside her.

Right before I fell asleep I placed a kiss on Emma's forehead and she subconsciously hugged my waist and placed her head on my bare chest. Soon after I fell asleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up and found Emma laying on her front, with her arms still around me and her head in my neck. I kissed her forehead and she stirred awake. Emma looked up at me and smiled sleepily.

"Morning, Emma."

"Morning." She looked down and noticed me without a shirt on and her arms around my waist. "Nice abs."


"Can we stay like this for a while?" Emma asked.

"I wasn't planning on moving."

"Good. I don't want you too, ever."

"Me niether. I won't leave you." I pulled Emma closer to me and she hugged me tighter. I kissed her forehead and she smiled up at me.

"Thank you for being here, Shawn. I need you."

"I will always be here for you. Always."

Shawn Mendes ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now