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It didn't take long until I noticed that I wasn't necessary to people anymore.

"You heard about that party yesterday? They called the cops!"

All those basic girls in my class where whispering to each other and gave little notes around.

But I could only watch them with envy.


I wasn't even invited.

It's official.

Not even my 'friends'bothered to talk to me anymore.

I was a failure of what used to be a popular kid but I guess I could keep living. I crumbled a piece off paper in my hand to let out my envy as I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, reminding me that I wasn't alone.


Yoongis voice took me back.

The grey colour dissapperared more and more with every day he said something to me.


I mumbled, slowly loosing my grip.

Yoongi held his little note book in his hand and I felt the cold comming from his pale fingers.

I shrugged off his hand and sighed.

He eyed me once again careful before he pulled down his mouth mask, showing me his whole face, which reflected sympathy for the bored me.

I felt useless, like something was missing and my life felt so empty.

My time just seemed to slowly passes by and I'm wasting it not taking any oppotunities lately.

Maybe I was just getting tired of life in general, or confused but I hated myself.

Nevertheless, I really wanted to be more self confident and say out loud all those thoughts which crossed my mind, whenever I looked at Yoongi.

You could practically say that I always hoped for him to talk to me.

But could I go on like this?

He was still one big enigma to me and I was still not able to completly understand his mind, neither mine.

I was starving but at the same time I felt like throwing up.

I didn't feel suicidal, but I didn't knew why I should keep living like this.

I've become hella antisocial currently, avoiding just anything when I had to socalize.

I watched how Yoongi left and sighed just louder.

I really wanted to get to know this boy, it just felt like it was impossible.

But for some reason Yoongi seemed to not let go of me.

Everyday he spoke a word more to me, than he did the day before and even though it was just casual stuff at the beginning, sometimes he would just suddenly tell me something personal or ask me.

Not to mention I felt more and more for him, but kept it as a secret, obviously.

Maybe we were about to become pretty good friends and I really didn't want to seem too greedy.

Yoongis mind was one big puzzle and everyday he gave me another piece to understand him more and more.

He still didn't open up to me completely and talked about really, really personal stuff.

We weren't really friends but not strangeres either.

We were about to become friends but It was difficult to reach the next step.

Yoongi was careful about the words he shared and whenever it got to personal he just shrugged it off or asked me something back.

I tried to stay quite secretive but it wasn't that easy to me, since I was starving to talk to someone.

I told him about my little sister and how much I loved her.

I mentioned my love for dresses and that I own 13 dresses and 16 skirts but just two pair of jeans.

I talked about how much I loved literature and novels with a deeper meaning.

I spoke about sarcasm and dark humor.

And then one day I just briefly brought up that I really like music, especially those songs with deep lyrics.

I didn't want to talk a lot about it but it seemed like I made Yoongi just more interested in me.

His eyes wided and he mumbled:

"Do you have a good taste?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. Do you consider something like Rap music as good music?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, showing me how ridiciolous this question was to him.

Bingo Bitch.

Looks like we got a winner.

Yoongi took a deep breath and it was probably the first time I saw him, getting sort of excited about something.

"It would be so great If I could become a rapper myself!"

I giggled while Yoongi cupped his face in his hands and smiled briefly.

"Can you even rap?"

I scoffed and gave him a provocative smile.

He narrowed his eyes looking at me in a condescending way.

"Duh, of course I can."

I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"How could I question this. Wasn't it obvious?"

I slightly hit my head with my hand, just to underline my words.

"Choke on my swag."

I giggled while he still glimpsed at me, in a serious way. His face was just looking like it always did, but this time he just pouted. His arms crossed before his chest while I still tried to calm down.

It was just hard to believe his words.

Who knew this quite boy was secretly a salty Savage?

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