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Seconds, minutes, hours and maybe days.

This is how much time I spendt with Yoongi and his friends.

They all were from diffrent schools, so this explained why I didn't really know them before.

Not to mention Jimin was still in middle school.

And they all had a big heart, still managing to fit me in it.

Whenever Yoongi wasn't able to talk to me, they would do it.

By now I had noticed Yoongi kinda liked me back but this between us was skinny love.

We both were just to shy to talk.

And so it was Hoseok introducing me to Yoongis Songs.

It was Namjoon, telling me compliments Yoongi said to me, when I wasn't around and he had helped Yoongi with his english script.

Even Jimin, who was a new friend knew stuff, like the way Yoongi looked at me when I wasn't looking.

And Jin?

He was Yoongis neighbour and his childhood friend, but he said nothing.

He just shrugged it off, keeping Yoongi's secrets.

Until he called me one day and told me that Yoongi had a basketball match.

"He seems pretty pesimistic about it, would you mind comming?"

"Sure, but will it help?"

There was a long pause till Jin said:

"Of course, you will motivate him more than the others."

And so I joined.

Yoongis team was small, there were not that many people, but I could see his friends cheering.

He looked depressed that day.

His eyes were dead and tired.

And when there was a break he came over and I just arrived.

Wearing one of his mouth mask.

I remember his face finally comming to life.

"You are here?!"

He held my hands and smiled.

I nodded silent:

"Don't you dare to lose."

He pinched my cheek:

"I will win if you smile for me."

"I will smile if you win."

He groaned and I chuckled behind my mouth mask.

He was about to leave but I dragged him back, my lips almost brushing his cheek, if there wasn't this piece of cloth covering my mouth:

"I believe in you."

And guess who won this game?

It wasn't Yoongis team and for some reason he seemed pretty depressed about it.

I remember how he came over to me and stopped infront of me. He sighed and then looked down at my bottom lip. Maybe he would have kissed me when he had won, then he would be full of joy.

But now he seemed very depressed and had this nervous look on his face, like he was afraid he had dissapoint me.

But that wasn't the case, so I put off the mouth mask and smiled.

"Need a hug?"

And suddenly he seemed so much more happy. He slung his arms around me and his head leaned on my shoulder. The other team was way too strong and it must have happen a miracle for Yoongis team to win.

Why should a miracle happen right here, this would have been so cliché like.

We don't live in a happy movie, that was reality and reality was cruel.

We weren't important enough to the world.

He was still sweaty and my throat hurt from cheering for him.

But comforting him was still one of the most significant moments I had and he was the most important person in my world. It just felt so good.
Almost too good.

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