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Do I mentioned, I was a night person?

Someone who lied in her bed, headphones in my ears and probably falls asleep, while through my headphones Eminem would go wild in super sonic mode.

My nighttime playlist was filled with all those songs, catchy beats and words quickly spelled, cursing about everything, having so much fire in them until my house burned.

I liked deep lyrics and to be honest maybe I was just such a sucker for deep shit, cause I was completly unable to produce deep shit myself.

All those unsaid words in my head would probably result in a pretty poetic story, but I couldn't let them all out, to big were my fears for the consequences.

But maybe I would be able to let them escape.

Soon, I hoped to just spit everything out, leaving a little mark, which would maybe make this grey society think diffrent.

I learned at this one Saturday noon that I wasn't the only one, wanting to leave my mark here.

When Yoongi message came across I was just about to clean my room.

My eyes where scanning his words and my heart was fluttering in my chest.

We met at a local store and when I saw him, all he carried was his little black note book.

His aura was so diffrent as it was in school.

A snapback was placed on his head, combined to a dark ripped jeans, a pair of casual black sneakers and a white plain shirt.

I was going through the magazines when he entered the store and walked over to me.

It took me a bit until I realized it was actually him, therefore I became shy standing there in my pair of Converese high, obviously red. My favourite pair of high waist jeans, together with my favourite stripped t-shirt made me still feel kind insecure in his presence and I just blinked with my eyes, hoping that my waterproof mascara would held it's promise.

"Hey there."

Yoongi greeted me, lying his hand down on my shoulder and his head on the other.

I flinched, at his sudden action.

'Wouldn't this be the best cliché like moment to kiss the other person?'

I heard the voice in my head asking.

I stayed like I was, now looking back obviously regretting it.

Yoongi was obeying me, it surely was unusal for both of us to see the other one outside of the school not in our usual uniform.

"You smell nice."

Yoongi said as he stepped next to me.


He was oddly nice and talkative.

Where was this quiet, antisocial boy sitting in the last row and just drifiting into his own world.

Was he just hiding?

Or was this Yoongi I knew from school just his mask, protecting his real self from society, so it won't become as grey as I used to be?

Yoongi smiled, brightly and pointed at the cash desk.

"I'm just buying something, so just stay here."

I did as he told me and just continued to scan the magazine, or at least I pretended, secretly I was glimpsing over to him and he was paying for something and even talked a bit to the cashier, saying goodbye with a smile.

His smile was beautiful, just as sweet as sugar.

I couldn't imagine Yoongi becomming even better and more beautiful but as I got closer with him, I noticed all those little small details about him, some of them hidden, some just visible when you actually start to spend time with him, that made him so much more incredible and beautiful.

Small butterflies crossing around in my stomach.

Not many though, but there was obviously something going on.

"Let's go Juliet."

Yoongi took me back to reality, reaching out his hand to me.

"You want me to hold your hand?"

I asked looking down at his hand, completly confused.

"Actually I just wanted you to follow me.."

He cut off his own words, embarrassment running over his face and leaving his cheeks in this slight pink tone.

I shrugged it off mumbling:

"Sorry I must have watched too many Dramas lately."

Yoongi smiled and placed his hand on my back as I finally walked to him.

I felt so happy, leaving blue marks behind me as we walked along the streets.

Not to mention that spending time with Yoongi, out of school was quite a new experience, which made me even fall a bit more for him. He was way more talkative, but still quitely.

He seemed to struggle a lot with usual conversation, but at least he gave me some smiles while we walked.

There was no face mask hiding his face as he greeted some of his neighbours, we passed on our way.

I remember the warm sunlight landing on my forearms as we stood infront of Yoongis door, about to enter as he turned around to me and spoke his lines kinda nervous, as if he was nervous about what I would think about him after seeing his home.

"So I hope you don't mind a little mess."

He stumbled upon his words, shyly glimpsing at me.

"I don't mind, Yoongi."

He smiled before he opened the door, leading me into a small hallway.

Some boxes standing in the way, were making the hallway even more smaller.

I tried to let Yoongi go first so he could show me where I have to go, but it wasn't that easy and I could feel his arms brush my chest.


"Do you live alone?"

I tried to distract from this awkward situation.

He chuckled bitterly:

"I wish I would."

I nodded in agreement, I knew how he felt.

He eventually went along the hallway and I followed him, into a room that apperantly was his room.

It smelled like Yoongi.

Everywhere little notes, with small quotes or random words pulled together.

There were pencils lying around and a basket was on his door.

A basketball was next to his bed, which was across the door.

There were a bunch of polaroids showing him with other people.

Strange faces, yet already seeming so nice to me.

His Curtains where blocking the sunlight.

The walls where white, just this one had one of the most beautiful colours I could think of.


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