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May 12th, 2016

I sat in the room waiting for Ms. Brown to come in. A lot has happened in the past weeks. One thing is Jasmine hasn't woken up yet and she hasn't even showed any type of signals. Second, I had to cancel my tour knowing my fans were going to be upset, but I promised to do an interview as soon as possible explaining my situation. Some of the hive even threatened me even though I said it was a family emergency and that I couldn't go on the tour knowing something bad may happen. Third, surprisingly Anthony and I haven't argued. He has been by my side since the night jasmine was admitted. Fourth thing is, CPS agency found out about the suicidal attempt and now they are requesting a jury. And last but not least, jay and I relationship is slowly tarnishing.

So yes it has been hectic these past two weeks. Ms. Brown walked into the room and took a seat. She didn't say anything right away.

"Good afternoon"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Carter" she greeted, "how are you?"

"I could be better. A lot is going on" I answered

She nodded, "and the update on jasmine?"

"The same as last week and the week before" I spoke

"Is the situation stressing you out at the moment?"

I thought for a moment, "honestly not really. I'm just worried about if she is going to wake up. Everything else isn't my main priority"

"That's good" she commented, "well do you feel as if you are the reason to jasmine's condition"

I nodded, "yes, because there were symptoms that was being announced by her. All I did was ignore them"

"Mhm. Why were you ignoring them?"

"I don't know"

She nodded and wrote on the pad, "will you be able to figure that out anytime soon?"

"I hope so"

She nodded, "and her father?"

"He is by my side everyday" I answered with a smile

"Do you still love him?" She asked

I frowned quickly, "huh?"

"Do you still love Anthony?"

"I mean I care for him because he is the father of my child, why do you ask?"

"Because for the past three weeks you haven't cracked a smile. Even when we spoke about your husband. The only time you smiled was when we spoke about your daughters. Now you smile when we speak of Anthony, why?"

"I guess because we haven't argued and he has been by my side helping me cope"

"How? How does he help you cope?" She asked

I shrugged not answering

"Does he hold you?"

I nodded

"Comfort you?"

I nodded

"Encourage you?"

I nodded, "yes"

"Does he kiss you?"

I shrugged

"Mrs. Carter in our previous session you told me that you and Anthony accidentally became intimate with one another. I asked in what way and you wouldn't tell me. So are we going to repeat our session from last week?"

I shook my head, "no"

"Okay then what type of intimacy are we talking about Ms. Knowles?"

"I really don't know" I answered not wanting to say, "why does it matter?"

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