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October 27th, 2016

After the whole Mika incident things has been quiet at school and kinda at home. My mom is upset about me having sex but she will get over it soon. It's not like I had sex with a guy but what I did with Mika is just as bad as if I did it with a guy. I walked into my Spanish class and sat next to Mika unfortunately. I pulled my homework out as the 1 minute bell ranged. Mika just sat at her desk on her phone leaning back like a dude. The bell rang and our teacher closed the door. She went around and stamped our homework. Soon she told us the activities we had to do. I sighed at the activities that included a partner. It was a review of Spanish 1 gustar.

I finished the activities that was able to be done independently. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and seen Mika pointing to the activity that included a partner. I rolled my eyes and faced towards her.

"¿Qué te gusta?" I asked

"A mi me gusta juga al basquetbol y hablar por telefono. ¿Y tú?"

"A mi me gusta comer y cocina"

She nodded and wrote it down. I turned back around and wrote what she said. She tapped me again

"Lo siento"

I nodded, "por supuesto que lo eres. me jugaste pero está bien"

"No I didn't"

"Okay mikayla stop talking to me"

"todavía tengo sentimientos por ti. Lo siento"

"Okay try to explain that to my mom"

She sighed looking sad in the face, "I'm willing to apologize today after school"

I groaned turning to my right to look at her, "How about this. Build a bridge and get over it Ight? Stop talking to me"

I finished my work and turned it in. As long as our work was done we are free to be on our phones. The class ended and I went to lunch sitting all by myself on the bleachers. I looked up and seen Mika and her crew laughing and stuff with some girls. A girl sat on Mika's lap. She looked around and caught my eye. We held our eye contact until we was interrupted.

"Hi. Are you jasmine?"

I looked up and seen this cute light skin tall guy, "do I look like a jasmine?" I barked

He shrugged and smiled, "Yo name can be shaniqua and I'll still find you very beautiful, so it doesn't matter"

I laughed, "Yes my name is shaniqua and who are you?"

"I'm Mikey Winn. I'm just trying to let you know I was sitting on the bleachers and we have a few classes together. And also I find you very attractive, so if you don't mind, may I have your number?"


"Please?" He asked smiling

"How about I get your number and I'll call you when I'm bored?"

He laughed,"okay"

I got his number and he walked away going back to chill with the nerds.

Wait the nerds????!!!!

I smirked and got up heading down the bleachers. I felt eyes on me and it was Mika's.

Later on that day

I watched my mom pull up into the driveway. I ran outiside to greet her.

"Hey mommy"

She got out the car rolling her eyes, "what do you want jasmine?" She stressed

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