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"Yo, jasmine ya mom is sooo chill" Hailie said

I just nodded my head, "I mean if you say so." My mom looked at me and I looked away. I can't say anything about what she did because I said it was kinda okay for her to do it. At least I was prepared this time ya know? The ride home was short.

"Before y'all go into the house. There are sum rules" my mom announced

We groaned

"They are very simple rules. Number one: if you make a mess clean it up. Number two: don't let the pets out their cages. All of the furry animals are outside. Number three: don't buy anything without getting my consent. Number four: no jumping on my furniture or climbing. Number five: no drinks in the living room or in the rooms. Number six: no shoes on the carpet. Number seven: don't touch my snacks. Number eight: don't leave this property. Number nine: don't touch anything that looks fragile. And number ten: have fun" my mom said

The girls looked at me like hell yea

"So we can cuss?" Ariana asked

"Is there free wifi?" Maddison asked

"Only If your parents allow you too. Just don't do it around me. And yes there is wifi. Jasmine knows the rules and the password to the wifi she'll let ya know if you broke a rule or not" my mom stated before walking into the house.

I turned and looked at the girls, "check in with your parents every two hours"

They nodded. We walked into the house. I heard comments about how it felt like the White House. I sat down in the living room waiting for them to sit down. In the car my mom told us to talk about our issues.

The girls sat down and we discussed the situation without yelling. The whole problem was how I wasn't there when they needed me the most and how they thought and felt like I changed towards them when I haven't. After the one hour talk we decided to have some fun

"I'm hungry" Maddison said

We walked to the kitchen. I opened the pantry, "we have. Cookies. Chips. Top Ramon. Cup of noodles. Fruit snacks. Mac n cheese. Gummy bears. Chocolate. Gummy worms. Apple sauce. Soda. Chex mix. Ummmm. Popcorn. Goldfish. Sour patches. Cheez it's. Beef jerky. And sum other shit" I listed looking at the shelves

Their mouths just hung open.

" how much stuff can we get?" Breanna asked

I shrugged, "theres no food limit. She didn't say that there was so get as much as y'all want"

They all rushed into the pantry grabbing random shit. I sat back and laughed. I'm not worried cuz anything that we run out of my mom sends Sam to get some more.

They came out with noodles and shit.

"You got sum pasta?" Dominique asked

I nodded, " I believe we do. I didn't have dinner here last night. But Sunday's is pasta/Italian night. Imma ask my mom"

I pulled my phone out and called her.


"Mom did you have pasta last night?"

"No. I had chic-fil-a. Blue and jay had fettuccine last night. Why?"

"Is there leftovers?"


"Can Dominique have sum?"


Dominique got happy. I hung up and went to grab the leftovers. I warmed it up for her in the second kitchen because everyone was using a microwave. There is three microwaves in each kitchen. And at least a t.v in one. I warmed Dominique stuff up

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