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I had my stuff packed to go to my dads as I waited in the living room for his arrival. My mom and the rest of us returned to New York a few days ago. Like I noted before, school ends early on Friday's, so I was home early.

My mom and I had a disagreement last night so we aren't talking at the moment. The door bell rung and I got up to open the door...in surprise my mom was there first with blue right behind her.

"Why are you at my door?"

My dad rolled his eyes, "I'm not here for you. I'm here for my daughter" he said

I came in to visual, "hey daddy"

"Hey baby girl. Go grab ya stuff"

I nodded and went to go grab my bag.

"Where are you taking my daughter?" I heard my mom ask

"Don't worry about it. She'll be back in one piece"

"I don't have the time for your sarcasm jakai"

"So don't waste your time asking where I'm taking her. You not going so don't worry about it"

"Blue go up to your room." I heard my mom tell. I heard feet upstairs so I knew she was in.

"As long as she is with you, I need to know where she is at all times"

"For what?"

"Because that's my damn child Anthony. stop questioning me about my worry of her whereabouts."

I came to the door. My dad rolled his eyes, "let's go baby girl"

I followed him out

"Anthony, where are you taking her" she followed us outside. My dad quickly turned around

Oh my lord don't let them start this shit

"Didn't I just tell ya ass to not worry about it"

"I do not care about what the fuck you tell me. I want to know where my child is at all times!"

"She is my child as also so calm your shit down bey for real!"

My mom rolled her eyes and looked at me then at my dad, "don't have my daughter around that bummy ass bitch"

My dad clenched his fist calming down, "grow the fuck up Beyonce. Like really. We have a damn child together and I can't even spend some quality with my daughter with out you running that annoying ass mouth of yours. For once let me the fuck be and have my damn daughter for a weekend! Is that too much to ask?!"

"Okay captain save a hoe" she said, "have my daughter back by Sunday morning"

He ignored her bitchy remark, "she will be back Sunday night"

"No the fuck she won't "

"Yes the fuck she will. What the fuck you gone do about it"

My mom scoffed, "I can't deal with your ass. I really can't. Like I said before have my daughter on my fucking property Sunday morning unless u want the police at your front door"

He walked up close to my mom, "be my fucking guest bey"

My mom pushed my dad away from her and folded her arms. She rolled her eyes and looked at me, "If you bring her back Sunday night then, you is going to tell me where you are taking her"

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