summertime cherries

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Ethan walked past the pond in the middle of the park by the huge patch of grass with children running around playing tag.

The sound of giggles filled his ears and he stopped, turning to find the source of the noise.

His eyes landed on a small boy, about his age, smelling pink flowers by a large tree.

The tanned boy had freckles scattered along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. His cheeks were a slight shade of pink and he had a small daisy placed behind his hair, adding to the innocent aura of the boy.

Curiosity took over and Ethan walked over to the boy smelling the flowers,"hello?" He hummed, causing the other boy to jump and yelp a little bit.

"Y-you scared me" the freckled boy breathed out and turned to face the boy who frightened him. "Sorry" Ethan blushed and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I like the flower" he breathed out and pointed to the Daisy behind the other boys ear. A smile spread across the tanned boys face, "thank you! I'm Grayson" he chirped.

"Ethan" the dark haired boy smiled down at the innocent boy. "what a pretty name for a pretty boy" Grayson cooed and swayed side to side, holding his own hands together.

"You should smell the flowers" Grayson suggested and stepped away from the flower bed, allowing Ethan access.

Ethan nodded and bent down, smelling the arrangement of pink flowers, "mmm" he hummed and inhaled the scent.

"Aren't they beautiful? I love love love flowers!" Grayson sighed happily and watched Ethan as he stood back up, "they're amazing" Ethan smiled fondly at the smaller boy.

"wanna join me for my picnic?" Grayson asked, glancing up at the slightly pale boy, "if you don't mind"

"Not at all" Grayson giggled and grabbed Ethan's hand, leading him over to a blanket with a basket laying on top.

"I have Nutella sandwiches, juice, peaches, and strawberries"Grayson said, sitting down gently on the picnic blanket.

"Thank you, sounds lovely" Ethan said softly and sat next to Grayson.

They shared sandwiches and sipped juice, having deep conversations in between mouthfuls of food.

They learned a lot about each other in the small about of time and they both absolutely adored each other.

Ethan and Grayson were sitting closer to each other than they were originally, but neither of them minded. "Thank you for the food" Ethan smiled at Grayson and licked his lips softly.

"Of course" Grayson smiled so wide his eyes were almost shut.

Ethan stared fondly at the boy, taking in all his features and imperfections he considered perfection.

Ethan noticed the layout of each individual freckle that laid across the other boys face and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, even the slightest bit.

Grayson noticed the way Ethan stared at him so endearingly and smiled faintly, leaning in slightly, waiting for Ethan to do the same, which he did.

Both boys leaned in little by little until there was no space in between them. Their lips moved together, becoming red and swollen.

Grayson pulled away and giggled, "your lips are sweet like cherries, so yummy!"

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