XVII: Intruder or Guest? ⚜️

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"Plumette, please stop plucking you might hurt yourself!" Said Lumiere as he watched his love tug at her two new feathers. They had been growing more and more frequently.

"No, no. I refuse to allow this curse to make me grow more feathers. It is so annoying!" Said Plumette as she continued to pull out the darned things.

"I know my love.."

Plumette huffed in annoyance and floated over to Lumiere. He gave her his dashing smile that Plumette knew and loved and placed his arm around her shoulder.

Suddenly Cogsworth came rushing in, his little feet tapping against the cold floor.

"L-Lumiere! There is someone outside the castle!" said Cogsworth as he tried to catch his breath.

"A person? Is it a man or woman?!" Said Lumiere suddenly excited.

"I could not tell, the wind is blowing the snow to harshly!" Said Cogsworth. Lumiere turned to face Plumette.

"Mon amour, stay with Mrs. Potts and the others and tell them to set up a nice tray of dinner. But make sure you stay hidden, we do not know who this person is." Said Lumiere.

"Are you sure we should be serving dinner to a stranger?" Said Cogsworth, not comfortable with the situation.

"Do you not remember what the master said?" Started Lumiere. He brought his candle sticks up to try and mimic the Beasts demeanor.

"If anyone wanders in the castle, you are to treat them as your guest. But do not show them your form." Said Lumiere as he deepened his voice to repeat what the Beast had told them in the past.

"Lumiere's right Cogsworth. We might as well help the poor stranger, they look miserable out there.." said Plumette as she glanced out the window.

"Why do I feel this is not going to turn out good?" Said Cogsworth as  he made his way out the room. To warn Chapeu of the possible guest.

Before Plumette took off she turned back around and looked at Lumiere worriedly.

"Lumiere, will you be alright?"
He winked at her.

"What can go wrong?"

~~ ~~ ~~

Lumiere and Cogsworth stood close by the castles entrance as they waited nervously for this stranger to walk in. Chapeu silently signaled that the doors were opening and Lumiere and Cogsworth quickly froze themselves to disguise the fact that they were talking objects.

"H-Hello?" Said a low voice.

Lumiere sighed to himself.

A man.

"U-hm thank you for letting m-me inside. There's quite a storm out there!" Said the old man, hoping someone would answer.

He wandered toward where Lumiere and Cogsworth were standing and was immediately drawn to there golden designs.

"Oh my, how beautiful!" Said the old man as he lightly touched the head of Cogsworth. He's eyes turned to Lumiere and they brightened even more.

"Exquisite..." he said as he lifted Lumiere up to get a closer look at him.

He head the crackling of the fireplace and immediately put Lumiere back down on the ledge.

"If you don't mind, I am just going to warn myself by the fire..." when he heard no response, he made his way over to warm himself up.

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