XXIII: Falling in Love With Love (last chap)

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Two months had passed since the curse was finally lifted from the castle and yet things were still quite difficult to manage. Because Plumette was so used to flying around the castle, it was as if she was a toddler learning how to walk for the first time again! Her legs would constantly wobble and she would often lose balance. But as always Lumiere was by her side to catch her. Things were quite strange for him as well... Plumette would notice when he kissed her and things got a bit too steamy, his head would smoke up from passion! Also, whenever he would pass by a candle the flame would grow brighter and almost set objects ablaze! It was quite troublesome and especially annoying for the other maids who were already up to their neck with work in renovating the castle. Luckily many of the towns people had offered to help, so much of the work was done quicker.

There still was a thought that itched the back of Lumiere's mind.


He and Plumette had promised each other that they would be betrothed if the curse was broken. Now that it was, she had made no mention of it!

Perhaps she had forgotten?

No, who would forget a promise like that? Not even Belle and Adam had gotten married after the curse. The old Adam would have married her by now.

A small voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Lumiere, darling you are day dreaming again. Are you alright?" Asked Plumette as she placed her hand in his forehead.

"Oui, I am just erm- tired..."

"Tired? You are the last person I would expect to be tired." Chuckled Plumette. Lumiere gave her a nervous laugh and grasped her small hand that was caressing his face.

"Lumiere....tell me." Said Plumette softly.

How could he refuse that precious voice?

"Mon amour, do you remember the promise we made? When we were cursed?" He said, his voice slightly cracking.

Plumette blinked a few times before smiling. So that was what he was so anxious about!

"Of course, how could I forget?"

"Well don't you want to? I-I mean, the castle is almost finished- and I - I thought we would spend some time... alone. More often." Said Lumiere twiddling with Plumette's fingers.

"Silly, why have you not spoken about this, if it has given you so much trouble?"

Lumiere sighed.

"You were so busy with your work...I had almost thought you've grown tired of me-"

"Lumiere, you can be so dramatic." Giggled Plumette. Lumiere's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Alright, alright. But can you blame me?"

Plumette shook her head. But her smile slightly fell as she thought over the thought of marriage.

"Why are you in such a rush to be married?" She asked, gazing up at him curiously.

"Well...since this wretched curse, I feel it is only right we make up for lost time. Mon amour, we have been stuck as objects for such a long time! Too long I have been parted from your lips....your eyes....your hair..." said Lumiere and he dipped his head down to steal a kiss from Plumette.

"I suppose you are right.. things are happening so quickly around here...I suppose I forgot how to...well..."



Lumiere gave her a small smile and stroked her soft rosy cheeks.

"I believe a lunch break is in order." said Lumiere loud and proud. Plumette gave him a questioning look.

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