XXII: Hold Me Again 🌼

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It was quite a while that the servants were frozen in their object form. The could hear and see, but they could not move an inch or speak a word to one another. Lumiere was left alone with his thoughts in the horrid silence.

He cursed himself for moving away from Plumette when he had turned permanently into a candelabra. His back was turned from her and he was now facing a clock, who he knew was Cogsworth. He wondered if the Master had fled the castle and into the woods, to remain the rest of his pathetic life as a beast.

Suddenly, the clouds and snow that covered the castle began peeling away! Lumiere wished he could move himself to get a better view on what the devil was going on, but he could only see the reflection of the glass windows in the castles, on the sunlight that was finally peeking through the clouds. He noticed a large puff of golden smoke circling around the clock in front of him. The fog became so thick, he could no longer see...except the shadow of the clock that began to form into the shadow of a man!

Had it worked? This was impossible!

Lumiere felt sensation in his form as he watched the clock transform back into Cogsworth. He felt his handles suddenly become soft flesh, and his height burst up to the level of the door! Soon enough the smoke cleared up, and he heard a strong laugh.

He looked down at his body and instead of two candles, were two hands!

"Ah, Lumiere! Look at us!" Said a familiar voice. He spun around and Cogsworth was gleaming at him with a loving smile.

"C-Cogsworth! Y-You, we are-"

"Mon Ami we are human again! Oh, I do hope the master is-"

"Where the devil is Plumette?!" Yelled Lumiere as he shook the old man, making his monocle fly off of his face.

"Oh dear, I do not-"

Before Cogsworth could finish, a small feather lightly blew pasted the two men. Lumiere turned to his right and noticed a large pile of white feathers on the front stairs. It rustled a bit and immediately knew what was laying under there.

"Ah-Cho! Sacre Bleu, what on earth?!" Said a light voice. A small hand popped out from under the feathers waving frantically.

"Plumette!" Said Lumiere as he pulled the hand gently from the feathers, revealing a feather covered Plumette who could not stop sneezing.

"Lumiere?! Oh my, look at you!" Said Plumette once she got control of her sneezes. She started up at the handsome man in front of her and could not contain her smiling. Lumiere's eyes watered as he carefully studied her face. Each freckle, each happy crease that showed when she smiled, her big beautiful brown eyes and dark skin.

Oh how he wished he hadn't forgotten how beautiful she was.

"P-Plumette! Oh, my Plumette, Plumette!" Repeated Lumiere as he began placing light kisses all over her face. He felt the wetness of the her own tears that laid happily on her plump cheeks.

 He felt the wetness of the her own tears that laid happily on her plump cheeks

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