Chapter 24: P is for Parent

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Brielle's P.O.V.

I was snoring, well, hopefully not snoring, but I was asleep. I felt like I was in a warm cocoon, wrapped in a ball of heat. I sighed and curled up even tighter, trying to absorb even more heat. Suddenly, the ball of heat was ripped away from me. I moaned and covered myself, trying to regain an ounce of heat.

“Get up,” a voice said.

I moaned in response and felt around for my blankets. They weren’t on the bed.

“Come on Bri, my mum’s coming,” Niall said.

That woke me up. I sat bolt upright and stared at him. “Your mum is coming?” I asked, horrified.

Niall nodded.

“Please tell me this wasn’t a sick trick to get me out of bed,” I begged.

Niall shook his head. “No, she’s coming in like an hour.”

“Crap,” I collapsed back on the bed then leapt up again.

I quickly found some nice clothes, and by nice, I mean I was wearing a dress. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a simple, knee-length spaghetti strap patterned with dots. I threw them on and ran to the kitchen. Niall followed me.

“Why are you freaking out?” he asked.

“Let’s see,” I said sarcastically. “My boyfriend’s mother is coming in an hour, and it’s almost lunchtime. I need to make food, and look presentable…”

Niall cut me off with a kiss. “Calm down, babe. My mum will love you no matter what.”

I wasn’t so convinced. “Can you take me to the store?”

Niall nodded and grabbed his keys, which were sitting on the counter. I beat him to the car and he drove to a store. The second he parked, I had run inside, reading to find some food. Niall caught up with me, only because I stopped dead, staring at the woman looking over the soups, eyeing the labels.

“What?” Niall whispered.

“That’s-” I couldn’t find my voice.

Then, the woman turned around and I heard Niall’s gasp as he recognized the face of my mother.

“Brielle?” she asked, her face almost smiling. Almost. Then, her face dropped as she saw who was standing next to me.

Niall, for his part, strode straight towards my mother. He stopped in front of her and stuck out his hand. “Niall Horan, ma’am. Nice to meet you.”

I was impressed that he could be so calm in front of my mother, when I was sweating at the mere thought of his. My mother was impressed to, I could tell.

“Niall,” she said, shaking his head. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

“No, Ms. Williams,” he said, smiling. “I’m from Ireland.”

“Ireland,” my mother said, smiling. “It’s a wonderful country.”

“It is,” Niall agreed, smiling warmly.

I decided to join the conversation.  “Hi mom.”

My mom’s face slightly dropped, but she managed to smile at me. “Hello Brielle,” she said. “You didn’t tell me you had such a lovely boyfriend.”

“Well,” I said, standing next to Niall. “He has his moments.”

Niall frowned, and my mother laughed. There was a slightly awkward pause.

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