Chapter 41: Oddness

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Brielle's P.O.V.

Now, I've only known my father for a month and a half. Exactly. That's when I met him, in that café. God that seemed so long ago. I remember when he wasn't in my life. Well, considering that I went twenty years without him, it's not that long, but it felt like I'd known him forever.

Today wasn't the only anniversary. Two months ago, I was arrested. One month ago, I became a free human being again. It's now May 9th. The year seemed to go by so fast.

But anyway, I knew my father, despite knowing him for so little time. And he'd been acting weird. Like, not just weird, like, strange. In the beginning, he always wanted to be around me. He'd come to my gigs, was always at my trial, while it was still going on, and he'd call me every day. He was kind of clingy, to be honest. But now, he was begging off, taking rain checks on our plans for dinner and I hardly ever saw him anymore. When I did talk to him, it was always over the phone and they were short rushed conversations.

Truth be told, I was wondering what I'd done wrong. It was like I was a teenage girl again, going over why my first boyfriend had broken up with me.

"Niall?" I asked, coming into the room where he was plucking at his guitar.

"Hm?" he glanced up, still strumming.

"Have you heard from my dad recently?" I asked.

"No," he said, now strumming something that sounded like Ed Sheeran. "Didn't he call you?"

I shook my head. "No, he didn't."

"Don't you guys always talk at like noon every day?" Niall questioned.

"Well, we used to," I said, and was upset to find myself sniffling.

Niall looked concerned and put down his guitar. "You alright babe?"

"No," I said like a small child. "I haven't seen him in ages."

God I was pathetic.

Niall got up and wrapped me in a hug and I buried my face in his chest. I missed my dad more than ever, even when I was in fifth grade and I had to do a project on my family tree and I realized that I was missing half the branch that made up me.

"It's so pathetic," I sniffled.

"What is?" Niall asked quietly, rubbing my back.

"That I miss him so much, and I miss him even more than I did when I didn't have a father," I said.

"Well, back then, you didn't know what you were missing," Niall reasoned. "Now you know what having a dad is like."

I looked up at him. "I really hate it when you're right," I muttered.

"What was that?" Niall asked cheerfully.

"You were right," I said, still under my breath.

"Can't hear you!" Niall sang.

I laughed. "You sound like the SpongeBob theme song."

Niall grinned and I smiled at him, shaking my head. It's strange that this boy can make me go from crying to laughing at his idiocy in less than five minutes. It's a gift, surely.

"Why don't you just call him?" Niall suggested, handing me my phone.

I took it reluctantly. "But what if he's mad at me?" I shuffled my feet.

"Why would he be mad at you?" Niall asked, entirely nonplussed.

"I don't know, maybe I did something wrong!" I exclaimed, waving my phone back and forth.

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