Chapter 19: Never

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Niall's P.O.V.

I walked towards Harry's flat, getting ready for a meeting with the boys. I passed an Olive Garden and my fists clenched, thinking about Brielle's best friend's boyfriend, the little prick that he is.


I walked into the Olive Garden, scanning the tables for Brielle. I spotted her coming out of the bathroom. I waved and pretended that I didn't see the slight blush covering her cheeks.

"Hey," I said once I was within speaking distance.

"Thank you," Brielle gasped, throwing her arms around me.

I was surprised, but carefully wrapped my arms around her.

"What did we learn today?" I mocked.

"Never third wheel," Brielle said, smiling sheepishly up at me.

"Good girl," I said and winked, enjoying the fact that I made her blush.

Suddenly, Addie appeared. "We're going to the movie now. Oh, hey Niall."

"Hey," I said, eyeing the guy next to her.

The guy sized me up too, and pulled Addie into his side protectively, as if I was going to steal her from him. Ha, I was more worried that he was going to take Brielle away from me, so I pulled her into me. I don't think she was expecting it, but I caught her before she fell. The guy looked like he was going to laugh, but Addie made him shut up. I wish he would have laughed. Then I could have snapped at him with an excuse.

"Let's go," Addie said, a bit cross now.

The guy and I walked out. I didn't notice the girls were gone and I came face to face with the guy.

I hastily took a few steps back. "What?" I hissed.

"Stay away from Addie," he practically snarled.

I laughed. "Yeah right, like I'd want your precious Addie, Kyle, isn't it?"

"Cameron," the guy hissed.

He took a step towards me, which I was happy to do to.

"I've seen the way you look at her," he growled. "Stay away from her. I love her, and she's mine."

"You stay away from Brielle," I shot back, noticing and regretting that I was about eye level with his chin.

"Like I'd want her," he sneered. "The little murderer."

I almost punched him, but then Addie and Brielle came out and I didn't get the chance. Brielle pulled me away and glanced at Addie, with one of those girl looks that us guys can only hope to someday decipher.

End of flashback

I felt like punching a wall. How dare he call her a murderer. He's lucky his precious girlfriend came out and saved him or I would have kicked his ass. Not that there'a anything wrong with Addie, of course. I've met her a few times, and I liked her.

I was passing an alley when I heard screams. It wasn't an 'Oh my God it's Niall Horan' scream it was more like 'Oh my God I'm getting murdered' kind of scream. I glanced down and saw a man, pinning a girl against the dirty brick wall. The girl was struggling.

"Hey!" I yelled.

The guy saw me and scampered. Coward. I sped towards the girl, who had collapsed in a little ball, shaking. Her shirt was off and her jeans were unbuttoned. When I got close enough to make out her face, I gasped.


She looked up at me, eyes wide with fear, and something like relief spread across her features, although she still had that cornered animal look in her eyes.

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