From a Street Rat to a Royal Highness (4)

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Chapter 4

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours as hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. Demetri and my relationship seemed to be strained, probably because I was as dead as a fox that had been shot by a farmer. Dance practice was hectic and girls feared Missy as she shouted at them and caused pain to us one way or another. People wanted to leave but feared what Missy would do to them if they did, so they stuck it out.

"Move it you sissies!" Missy shouted as she spat on an unsuspecting girls who was doing a handspring on the mats.

"Monroe I don't see you on your hands," she shouted at a platinum blonde girl who had a cast on her arm.

"But I've broken my arm," she replied to the teacher.

"I don't care if you have a broken leg!" she shouted, "One your hands now!" Monroe tried to get on her hands but it was not working, so in the end she back flipped away. I flipped across the mat as Missy watched me.

"See you guys!" she shouted, "Everyone should be like Robyn!" I put my head down as the rest of the group glared at me. Sadly only I could get into Missy's good books, and where did I end up? Doing all thirty - five songs.

"Get to the flying!" she shouted as we scrambled to our positions. As I got into a circle getting ready to throw Mikayla I was stopped.

"Robyn will be the flyer!" Missy shouted. Did this woman ever talk quietly? We all looked around in confusion. I wasn't one of the lightest in the group, but I wasn't one of the heaviest either, but the people who would be catching me weren't one of the strongest.

"Are you sure Missy?" I asked as I looked my teacher in the eye to see any signs of insanity.

"Are you defying me?" she spat getting right into my face.

"No Missy," I whimpered as I got back to the group. Mikayla glared at me as I was hauled up. One. Two. Three. I was thrown into the air as I did to circular flips. I fell down into my comrades armed but instead of a throng arms catching I was met with the cold hard ground. I felt my shoulder out of my socket and my wrist cracked as my weight fell on top of it. Searing pain shot through my arm as my brain went into overload.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," I screamed as I clutched my fractured. I could not move my arm without pain.

"Robyn!" Catelyn shouted.

"Fuck!" I grunted as I passed out from the pain shooting through my arm like an arrow.

"This is your entire fault!" I heard Demetri outside shouting at someone.

"I'm very sorry," Missy grovelled. I rushed to the doors to listen to the conversation.

"The doctor said it would take six weeks for her arm to heal, what in the world were you thinking when you made her a flyer!" he shouted back. The handle of the door started to open and I rushed back to my bed.

"Hi," Catelyn smiled as she brought some noodle stir fry, beef! My favourite! And chicken dumplings! "You ok?"

"I will as soon as I have food shoved down my throat," I replied as I tried to use my right arm to grab the noodles, but I noticed that I couldn't move my wrist.

"You're in a caste dummy," she laughed as I looked down to see something wrapped round my wrist. I grabbed the food with my left hand and took one of the forks as I started to shove food down my throat.

"What happened?" I asked as I took some chicken dumplings.

"Oh when you passed out, we came here and the doctor popped your shoulder back in and there is loads of cracks in your wrist and Demetri came rushing and he was shouting at Missy and that's about it," she replied as she swatted my hand away from the cake.

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