From a Street Rat to a Royal Highness (7)

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"Care to dance?" he asked as he put out his hand.

"Sure," I smiled as he led me to the dance floor. The soft music wafted through the air a soft breeze as it swirled around the dancers like small wood nymphs. I put my hand on his shoulder as he led me in the waltz as I occasionally stepped on his hand.

"Sorry," I apologised as I heard an 'ouch!' and I felt something soft under my foot, "waltz isn't my thing."

"It's ok," he smiled as he led me around, "so how long will you have that cast on your arm?"

"Don't know," I sighed, "about two more weeks. My muscle will be fat at this rate."

He laughed at this comment, "well you are going have to rebuild that muscle again."

"It took me years to build that muscle," I complained, "not really looking forward to it."

"Has anyone ever told you that when you babble you look cute," he commented as we twirled around.

"Ummmmmmmm, I guess not," I replied uncomfortably.

"Or better yet when you get nervous," he smiled, "I would like to take you out one day you know Robyn."

"I barely know you," I replied, surprised at his forwardness and then added, "besides I have a boyfriend."

"What is a boyfriend?" he asked, "it is not like you are going to marry."

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Are you?"

"Well no-,"

"Exactly," he cut me off, "it's just one little lunch."

"I don't know," I sighed, "I'll ask Demetri."

"What is he your babysitter as well?" he asked jokingly.

"No," I huffed, "I'm just saying that I'm seeing someone." I got out of his hands and headed to the food table again and grabbed a few tuna finger sandwiched and chicken wings.

"I like a girl who can eat," he persisted, "that's why I think we should go and have lunch."

"I don't know, I'll ask," I sighed, "I don't know when I'll be able to get you and we are going as friends right?"

"I'll come to your school tomorrow," he replied as I dug into a tuna finger sandwich. As soon as he said that I choked on the sandwich and grabbed a glass of water. I gulped down the water and in a raspy breath replied, "What the hell?! No way!"

"Well then where will I meet you?" he asked as he grabbed hold of my hand. I removed my hand but he grabbed hold of it again and but his fingers in between and brought me closer.

"Ummmmmmmm we could meet where you tried to run me over?" I offered, "but I think the answer is going to be no."

"Yeah but I want to have lunch with you," he stated, "and so I will find a way one way or another."

"Ummmmmmm ok," I replied as I glanced at the clock. It was ten thirty! I gaped at the clock. I am meant to be home at eleven.

"Well look at the time," I sighed, "ummmmmm bye." I walked over to Regina and gave her a hug, "I'm sorry but I have to go."

"So quickly," she whined, "I haven't even been able to talk to you."

"Yeah Demetri says he'd make me dinner, burgers and chips," I rubbed my hands in glee.

"We have burgers and chips here," a voice cut in as I felt a strong muscled arm.

"Yeah but she's wants to see her boyfriend Camaxtli," Regina glared at her cousin, "besides it's the sentimentality that counts."

"Anywho," I cut in, "see you later."

"Bye," Regina sighed as she gave me a hug. I looked for Catelyn and found her talking to a very handsome man, obviously not as handsome as Demetri or Camaxtli. Now I'm pairing those two boys together. What is wrong with me?

"Hey Catelyn," I smiled, "I'm going now."

"Ok," she whispered dreamily as she looked at the guy.

"Catelyn," I tried to snap her out of her trance.

"Oh sorry," she returned to earth, "see you later ok?"

"Yeah sure," I sighed as I headed out. After getting a bus and walking down a few alleys, I reached our house. When I opened the door, I found rose petals on the carpet leading outside.

"Demetri?!" I called as I followed the roses. I went outside and found him sitting there in a black tuxedo with a single red rose standing with one hand in his pocket. His hair was still messily handsome as usual. Behind him was a table covered in cloth with a single candle which was lit.

"Oh my gosh," I walked up to him and gave him a hug, "it's beautiful." He smirked and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I told you I would make dinner as he led me to the table," he smirked as he led me to the table.

Regina's P.O.V.

"Your highness everything has been secured, if you need me all you have to do is call," Brad informed as he entered my bedroom. I shrieked as I covered myself up.

"Next time knock," I warned.

"I'm sorry your highness," he apologised.

"Call me Regina," I sighed as I collapsed on the bed, "get me a glass of milk will you please?" Brad came back with the milk and I gulped it down. He sat next to me and watched me as I drank the milk.


"Yeah?" I replied as I looked into his calm deep blue eyes. Every time I looked into his eyes I felt at peace. This time I looked at them and felt such a strong emotion I looked down.

"You are the most beautiful, crazy, pompous but kind and wisest girl in the world, I know it sounds really cheesy," he complimented as he looked at me. I smiled and looked down again.

"Brad this could never happen," I sighed as I put a hand on his chest.

"I know, but just one night," he begged as he got so close I could feel the warm heat radiating off of him. I tried to pull away but when I looked into his eyes all I could see was him. For the first time I brushed of status and rules and all the annoying things. And looked into his eyes. Our lips connected.

The door opened.

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