From a Street Rat to a Royal Highness (9)

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Thank you AngelEyes01, PrincessAmber19, supernatural22 and rebeccadawnhughes for becoming fans and thank you AngelEyes01, rebeccadawnhughes and Solano_805 for comments

enjoy thank you:

"They saw me kiss Brad," Regina hiccupped as she lay her head on my shoulder, "they've put him in prison for treason."

"You're dad found out?" I asked, "You kissed Brad?"

"Yes, Brad's in so much trouble and because he hasn't got any parents no one can appeal," Regina sniffled as she put her head on my shoulder, "The royal society is a male dominated society that's why my father can did this. I'm not allowed to go anywhere."

"Sorry to change the subject but, how did you get here? And better yet, find our address?" I asked.

"The treasury office holds everyone's address, that's how we find people, then I snuck out dressed like this," Regina cried, she was wearing a faded teenage mutant ninja turtle t-shirt and a ripped jean skirt with flowery leggings, I thought she looked really good especially with the mascara eyes, "and I look horrible."

"Why did you something so foolish?" Demetri asked as he sat watching the princess in annoyance.

"Demetri," I hissed, I looked at Regina and saw a sense of longing in her eyes, like she would die, "she loves him."

Regina began to weep again and then through the mist of tears, "I do not think I can ever go on, I know it seems so fast, but I feel so happy around him and he's always lived with me."

"Regina don't you-?"

"I know it sounds over the top," she cried, "I do love, when you've known someone for so long, and he's gone and you don't know what to do and your father won't let him out, in a few weeks he could be hanged Robyn."

"What do you want us to do?" I asked as I put a comforting arm round her. She huddled closer like a feeble baby and cried even more.

"Robyn I'm going to be married," she whispered, "to the king of Dannane."

"Dannane!" I exclaimed. Dannane was one of the strongest countries in our world. They imported most of their food, but most countries feared them and so would not cut of the supply if anything went wrong. To go to war with Dannane was to commit homicide to your people. They had the most elaborate pieces of war weapons in the world. Their king was forty pushing fifty, what did he want with a child bride.

"My father wants to strengthen bonds with the country making it harder for us to go at war with other countries," she sniffled, "HE'S FIFTY!"

"Yeah we know," Demetri's voice sounded sympathetic as he finally caught on to what was going on, "we'll help you if you want."

"What can I do?" Regina sighed as she got up, "I said no and he hit me," she rubbed the spot where he must have hit her, "there is no if, I have to."

"Who caught you?" I asked.

"Camaxtli," she sighed, "I begged him not to tell, but he enjoys seeing me in trouble and pain, it was his idea for me to marry the king, to make ties stronger and make me miserable." My eyebrows rose at the fact that the little snitch had just been at our house a few minutes ago.

"Does he really hate you that much?" I asked.

"Yes," she sighed, "Robyn I will not know what to do if he dies, please help me," she cried, "I'll do anything for him, even run away, I don't care about royalty if it is not right." She was on her knees know, "Robyn please, you're the only one I can turn to please. I don't care about anything but him."

Demetri looked at her in surprise, "are you sure you would run away with him?"

She got up and turned to him eyes with fierce determination, "what happened last night was not nothing," she clutched her top again, "I felt something I have never felt before. Sure it was just a kiss, but I felt whole inside, like the inside of me was set on fire, like..." she snapped her fingers, "fireworks!"

"That is really sappy," Demetri stated, "yup the girl is in love." I looked at Regina as I thought about something.

"Would you run away for him?" I asked.

"I'd run away or die trying for him," she whispered. Demetri came and put his arms round my waist, at least it was easy to find the love of my life. I then noticed that I did actually love Demetri even with all the problems and crap stuff I did. I looked at Regina's eyes as I saw them get moist. I removed myself out of Demetri's arms and gave her a hug.

"We'll help you," I sighed, "we just don't know what to do."

"Robyn I want to stay but I know soon my father will be looking for me," Regina sighed as she headed out of the door.

"Bye," I bid adieu as I gave her a hug.

"Robyn a word of warning," her voice turned to a serious note, "you are the only friend I have and so as a friend I am saying stay away from Camaxtli. He will do whatever he can to hurt, to get you," she whispered, "You are so lucky you have someone to look after you, but be careful and if I was you I would keep your family close."

With that she left my house and I was left alone with Demetri wondering why everything was so confusing. I also noticed that I was in deep trouble. Curse you fate!!

The next day Demetri had left early to go to school, Marissa and Lucas were taken to school by their friends' parents and so it was just me taking a thirty minute walk to school. As I was walking in the warm morning sun down a street, a black stretch limo started riding next to me. I quickened my pace which caused the limo to go faster and when I slowed down so did the limo. I quickly glanced behind me and walked at a swift pace. The limo suddenly drove past me and the end stopped. The black tinted windows rolled down and a head of chestnut hair appeared along with a smirk I did not enjoy seeing.

"What do you want to Camaxtli?" I asked exasperated.

"Just wanted to give you a ride to school," he replied, "was in the neighbourhood."

"By neighbourhood you mean you came to bother me," I corrected, "besides I said no." I started to walk away, but when I was about to cross the street the limo zoomed in front of me almost going over my FOOT.

"Idiot!" I cursed as I slammed the window, "you almost went over my foot."

"Look at me," he smiled, "how can you resist me?" I looked at him and my heart literally skipped a beat. His chestnut hair lay floppily on his head. He wore a shirt over his trousers slightly see through so you caught a glimpse of his well structured abs. I blushed and looked away. He laughed and replied, "all you have to do is have dinner with me."

"Dinner can turn into much more," I explained.

"It will only turn into much more if you let," I heard the voice next to my ear and hands round their waist. I had not noticed he had gotten out so quickly.

"How did you do that?" I asked pushing him away.

"You are so easy to take advantage when you let your guard down," he smiled looking into my eyes but now all he held was my hand.

"That's why she has people like me looking out for her," a deep voice sounded as I felt a hand pull me to a very strong chest, "stay away from her," Demetri hissed, "she said no, I said no." We jumped on then off the limo, Demetri made sure to leave some dents while he was at it.

"You'll have dinner with me," Camaxtli shouted.

"Oh and why's that?!" Demetri asked.

"I know your parents!" he shouted, this caused me to halt in my footsteps and Demtri sensed that.

"My parents are dead!" I shouted.

"Your adopted parents are dead!" he shouted back. I did not listen and Demetri and I ran the rest of the way to school, but I could not get the words out of my head.

My adopted parents are dead?

comment if you like ideas are greatly appreciated =D

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