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lunas pov

i admire jack as he sits across from me at the table. i notice everything from the detail in his button up to the stubble on his chin. i keep looking up to his fluffy hair and see little blonde hairs that must be coming in from the sun.

even in the chaos and loudness of this restaurant, he is still the only thing that has my attention.

i half listen as he goes on and on about how everyone is doing back in la. johnson has a girlfriend as well named claudia and by the way jack talks about her she seems to be a very great girl.

nate is still selling drugs but he's doing it as a side job now and isn't as into it like he used to be. he's branching out and trying to start a life for himself and i love that.

sam has a job as a bartender at a club which suits him perfectly considering he gets to be around pretty girls and get them drunk. he's always been a ladies man.

"all sam ever does is brag about all the girls he gets. but i'm happy that he's found something he loves." jack says as he has a huge smile plastered on his face.

"so am i. gosh do i miss all of them." i say, "i wish they could've come with you."

jack agrees with me before he changes the subject. "so danny, is he like an ex? brother type? crush? whats going on with that?"

i giggle a little at jacks curiosity knowing he's really just asking me if i'm interested in him. "he's like a brother to me. i've known him almost as long as i've known rosa. we've always been like the three musketeers."

he nods in understanding, "just like johnson and i."

"exactly." i say. i can see some relief wash off his face as our food comes and we thank the waiter.

not much talking happens as we eat seeing as we were both starving. after dinner is done we finish our catching up as we walk back to my apartment.

dannys pov

not much happens as i sit and wait for luna to return from her evening alone with jack.

it's amazing to see how much she has grown since the last time i saw her. she really is a beautiful young woman.

i've always admired her personality and strength. she set the bar for who i want to end up with. she showed me what a real woman is like. and how a real woman should always act.

it is wonderful to see her in love with someone that she is absolutely infatuated with. but i'm not sure if i completely trust jack.

of course i will welcome him with open arms as luna always has with my past girlfriends. i just wish i knew his intentions with her.

clearly she is not something easy for him if he came all this way to see her. but i can't help but see luna as the 'other woman' to him.

i just don't want something horrid to happen if he runs off, and i stay back to pick up her broken pieces. luna is one of the most important person in my life and it would kill me everyday to see something awful happen to her.

we have never been the type to catch feelings for each other, but seeing the person she is now has definitely changed something in me.

i am pulled from my thoughts as i hear the jingle of keys from across the room. laughter is quick to follow as i see luna and jack appear through the door.

i smile at the both of them as i can see they enjoyed themselves. "did you have a nice time?" i ask anyways.

"oh yes, it was fantastic." jack is the first to answer. luna nods in agreement.

"i'm glad to hear. that place has always had the best food." i explain referring to the restaurant they ate at.

we make small talk for a few minutes about their night, luna also asks about what i did here while i waited.

nothing climactic happens as i see this as an opportunity to head home. "i'm gonna go luns. it's getting pretty late, i don't want my parents to worry."

"yeah that wouldn't be good. i'll see you tomorrow?" she questions as she makes her way over to me.

"without a doubt." i smile as i pull her into a hug, feeling her arms wrap around me.

i give her a gentle peck on the head & make my way out the door, giving jack a wave goodbye before shutting it and heading home.

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oh my gosh, i know right ??? it's been forever guys. i know i'm awfullllll but things have just been short crazy with life & ive just been busy.

but i'm back & im better. but i do plan on staying & finishing this book for you guys don't worry.

but don't expect updates regularly bc this chica's got a life now. but since it's summer i will do as much as i can i promise.

i love you all so much thank you for being loyal fans throughout this long period of my disappearance you all da best.

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