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i finally release the breath that i didn't know i was holding in when we step foot out of the airport. i take in my surroundings and all the beautiful palm trees. gosh, i really did miss it here.

"my cars this way, we can get started on looking for clues when we get back." johnson says snapping me out of my mild daydream. (cause im daaayydreaming with youuuu)

i nod my head as i follow close behind him. his phone starts to ring as we both get into the car. my heart leaps a little hoping it might be jack, but my mind soon begins to clear when i think about the chances of that happening.

it also washes away when i notice johnson rolling his eyes. "yes madison?" he asks. my heart pinches at the name. working with her isnt going to be easy, but it has to happen if we both want to see jack again.

"johnny!!" she yelps through the phone and we both cringe at the nickname. "are you back yet? ive been worried sick, i don't need my other jack going missing on me too."

"yes madison, were on our way back." johnson simply states with a monotonous voice. he's obviously not interested in this conversation and it makes me feel a little better knowing johnson doesn't like her either.

"we?" she asks. oh god, did johnson really not tell her that i was coming back. where did she think he was going?

"me and luna, yeah." he states like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"oh, i didn't think you were being serious when you said you were bringing her back with you." she says and you can hear the hate in her voice.

i zone out of the rest of the conversation not even caring what else she has to say about me. my mind is solely on jack right now and making sure he's okay.

"don't mind her, nobody even likes her." johnson says to me when he finally finishes his call. "not even katherine," he snorts, "she's always asking about you. she misses you and jack together. we all do."

"i don't really wanna talk about my relationship with jack, i mean thats not what i came back here for." i state, not too sure with my own words.

i can sense the doubt in johnsons face as he pulls up to his house. we both hop out and walk in, discussing possible ways to track and or get in contact with jack.


its been hours upon hours of us trying to find a clue. but that bastard didn't leave any. we even went over to his house and talked to madison for a couple hours.

surprisingly she wasn't rude toward me and didn't make any smart comment. we were all just focused on finding him.

now were back at johnsons and its about two thirty in the morning. were about to give up when i remembered something important he told me once.

"wait!" i practically shout, shooting up from my seat on the couch. this grabs johnsons attention immediately as his head shoots toward me. "jack told me once that he always has a backup phone on him, he told me to contact that phone just in case something ever happened to me and he wasn't answering his actual phone, maybe we can track that one?"

"luna, you're an absolute genius." johnson exclaims as he pulls me into a huge bear hug. were both extremely hopeful right now as i give him the number of that phone and he tracks it on his laptop.

the laptop soon pops up showing us he's in san francisco. we both instantly look at each other, rushing out of our seats and grabbing our shoes.

"we have to go now just in case something is really happening to him." i say, running to get my coat.

johnson obviously agrees as he grabs his car keys and we both run out to the car. he starts it up and begins to pull out of his driveway.

"ready for the six hour drive thats about to come?" he asks the rhetorical question.

i hate that id literally do anything for jack. with that being said, san francisco here we come.

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ouuuuu, what do you think is about to happen?

kinda a filler kinda not, next chapter is when its going to pick up

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