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lunas pov

i wake up to a knock on my front door, causing me to shoot up and danny to groan. "who the hell is that, its like five in the morning." he mumbles as he rolls back over in bed.

i move the comforter out of my way as i pull some shorts up my legs and head for the front door. the knock happens again, but its harder and faster this time. i yank the door open, growing more annoyed. 

although i instantly smile once i realize the mystery person knocking on my door at this hour. "johnson!" i exclaim as i pull him into a much needed hug.

"hey luns, sorry to disturb you this early in the morning," he starts as we both pull away and i let him in. "but this isn't really a reunion party or anything."

"oh?" i ask as i become more confused as to why he would fly all the way out here. "okay then whats up?"

what could possibly be so important that he would catch a flight and show up at my house before the sun has even risen. i take in his long missed features; i feel as though i haven't seen johnson in forever. he is starting to grow a little beard and his hair is way longer than what it was when i left la. 

"its jack," he starts again as i instantly roll my eyes, losing quick interest in the topic. "and i know what you're going to say, that you don't care, but if you just listen i think you'll want to know whats going on-"

"whats wrong now? jack doesn't know how to change a diaper and was too prideful to pick up the phone so instead he asked you to fly all the way out here." i snicker, knowing jack all too well. 

"no luna, this is serious." he states strongly. the tone in his voice makes me start to worry a little but im sure its just about him and madison.

i shouldn't even concern myself with his stupid needs. mine come first and i need to start realizing that. far too long have i put jack before me and when did he ever put me first? when he broke up with madison to be with me? oh wait that never happened. 

"johnson, i know how much you care about him, i care too, even though i shouldn't." i start again as i walk over to my island, suddenly wanting this conversation to end.

"luna," johnson shouts a little, making me jump at his sudden loudness. "he's missing."

those two simple words make my skin shudder. i don't say anything, i don't even move an inch. missing? where could he possibly be. did he leave on his own? was he taken? what happened?

millions of questions flood my mind as johnson takes a seat in front of me. "and i need your help."

"me? what could i do?" i question hard. theres no way he possibly thought id know where jack is. i haven't seen or talked to him in months. how would i know whats happened to him.

"you know him better than anyone else; on a personal level. he's never connected with anyone the way you two have."

its true, and i know it. i just don't want it to be. he broke my heart and nothing will ever change that. he was my person and he just left me. he got someone else pregnant and basically had me as a side chick. 

we could've been so much more but he decided madison had something that i clearly don't so he just had to have both of us. and i just let it happen. 

i hate to blame this situation on me because it isn't my fault, but in a way it is. if i wouldve never allowed this to happen then maybe he wouldve left her. maybe we would still be together to this day. maybe he would be the one sleeping beside me and not danny. and maybe he wouldn't be missing. 

i hate to think about him and danny in this way because danny has done nothing but help me through all of this. and that says a lot because even before jack left he was in love with me, and he just watched as jack and i went out together and had fun. and yet even after all of this went down, he never said one bad word about jack. 

in his eyes there was no point in bashing the guy who had made me happy for so many consecutive months. 

"luna?" johnson asks, snapping me out of my trance. he has a sympathetic look on his face. like there is something unspoken in his eyes.

"i don't know johnson, why don't you ask madison to help." i say, not being rude but definitely not wanting to help.

"i already asked her everything she knows. plus she's pregnant and we both know she doesn't know anything about jack and his drug business."

"things just ended so badly between jack and i," i start, he already knows what im going to say before i say it, but i still do, "i just don't think i want to go looking for him."

he nods, understandingly. "well ill be here until seven pm, if you change your mind ill be at the airport with an extra ticket for you."

he gives me a small smile before we exchange hugs and give our goodbyes. i then turn and head back to bed.

"who was that?" danny asks as the bed dips back down on my side. 

"oh uh, nobody." i state. im not meaning to keep anything from him but there is no point in telling him anything because im not going. theres no way i could go right? right. 

i need to remember that im doing the right thing. they'll find him. he probably got too drunk one night and went home with a girl. i shudder at the thought, although i can't help but feel like that is what happened.

jack may have acted like he was getting his act together, some things never change. 


"so do you want to tell me now who was at the door this morning?" danny asks again he takes a sip of his coffee.

i continue to stir the sugar in my cup as i flick my eyes up at him. theres nothing rude in his voice, just curiosity. "do you remember jack johnson? the one i told you about?" i ask, his eyes search for the recall and soon realization comes to his face.

he nods his head yes, "it was him." i state. "oh okay, what did he want? did he really fly all the way out here from la?" he asks as he sets his cup down on the island.

"um," i start, wondering if i should make up a lie or just tell him the truth, theres no reason for me to lie to decide against that option. "jacks gone missing, he wanted my help."

he nods again, but much slower this time. "are you going to?"

"no," i rush out, "i mean, why would i?" i shrug. i can't help but feeling like im making the wrong decision. would jack help me if this were vice versa?

i still love him and i think i always will, but what he did to me is unforgivable. everyone can't just expect me to come to his rescue. it just doesn't work that way. 

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i kinda wanna start another story that i have saved in my drafts

i feel like this book isn't doing good and its kinda making me sad 

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