Chapter 6

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Hermione's pov.

Ron's busy shovelling food into his mouth as I turn to Harry and Ginny.

"It's sad that I have my own common room. I won't see you guys as much." I say.

"Oh I forgot to ask who's head boy?" Harry says looking over at Ron digging into mashed potatoes.

"Malfoy." I say quietly. Harry and Ginny just look surprised but Ron looks up from his meal in raged.

"Oh fuff nouff." He say angrily with his mouth full. I look at him waiting for him to finish.

"Oh fuck no. You aren't allowed to share a common room with him." He says.

"It was never your choice." I say a little affronted that he thought he could chose where I live.

"Yes it is I'm your best friend and I say that you can't live with him." He says raising his voice.

"You don't control me." I say getting angry and annoyed.

"Yes I do." He says reaching for my arm.

"Listen mate cool it you're making a scene." Harry says. It's true that a quarter of the Griffindoor table is listening in. Ron gave me a look saying that our conversation wasn't over but dug into his meal again.

"What classes are you talking this year mione?" Asks Ginny and thankfully the rest of the meal went smoothly.

When the plats cleared of desserts and McGonagall had dismissed us. I say goodnight to Harry Ginny and Follow Ron into the entrance hall past the marble stair case and into a deserted hallway behind a suit of armour.

"Hermione I'm sorry." He says looking down at me.

"It's fine Ron." I say meaning to turn away but Ron grabs both of my arms.

"I didn't say we were done yet." He says looming over me. He kisses me, hard bruising my lips. Obviously he thought he was getting a snogging. I try to push him off screaming at him to stop. I hear foot steps approaching and Ron is thrown off me. I see bright blond hair and slowly sit down stunned.

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