First Time

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       It was a rainy day as Rainbow Dash walked through the streets. It was cold too that day. Rainbow needed something to get his mind off the thoughts he had in his head. He saw a nearby bar that was open and walked in it.
     The sounds of low volumed rock music was playing as there were quite a few people there. The bar was a bit dark inside but there was enough light to see. Over at the corner there were a few people playing a pool game and the tables were filled with people with drinks. Rainbow walked up to the bartender table and sat there, looking at the table. No one was beside him but there were a few people in the seats further from him. He waited for a bartender to come up to him, in the mean time, he thought about certain things.

   Come on Rainbow, just fucking tell her! It's that easy. You don't need advice or help, I'm Rainbow Dash, the Rainbow Dash! The one that doesn't get help or advice, just tell her that's it. Maybe I'll-

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft female voice in front of him behind the table.

"What can I get you sir?" The woman asked.

    Rainbow lifted his head up and saw a woman on the other side of the table wearing a black top with black pants and a small white towel on her shoulder. Her pink hair was styled in a messy bun from probably being the bartender here. Rainbow could not lie about the woman in front of him being absolute gorgeous looking. She was pure beauty. But Rainbow snapped out of his thoughts and decided to answer the woman's question.

"Oh uh,.. sorry, I'll have a beer, thanks." Rainbow said.
"Alright." The woman said, walking away from Rainbow as she went to get what he asked for. Rainbow watched as she walked off.

    Woah, she's no no, focus on who your interested in and tell her tomorrow.

      "Here you go." The woman said when she came back, handing Rainbow the beer he asked for.
"Thanks." Rainbow replied, taking his drink and bringing it closer to him.
"No problem." The woman said, walking off.

Rainbow drank his beer while she was walking off, still looking at the woman.

Who is she though?

The Bartender (FlutterDash Story)Where stories live. Discover now