Third Time

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It was about a few days later from the last visit to the bar. It was now becoming to be a hobby for Rainbow to go to the alcohol-filled place. Usually he would go after work on his bus ride home, he worked at the Empire State Building in the beloved famous City of New York. As the weather was becoming colder due to the season  changing from autumn to winter, everyone started wearing heavier clothing such as coats. Today was the first light snowfall for the end of the year. When Rainbow opened the door to the bar, he sat in the same place he would always sit.
     He rubbed his hands together for the friction to heat up his hands from the outside cold as it was getting darker out now. He looked to his hands for a while before someone came up to his from the other side of the counter.
"You come here quite often now." The female voice spoke. Rainbow lifted his head up and looked at the woman, he recognized her from the past visitations. He assumed she was the bartender long ago. He also thought she was stunning too, but Rainbow had his eye on someone else at the moment. He saw that the woman was cleaning glass cups with the white rag in her hand.
"Y-Yeah, I guess I do." Rainbow answered back. She put the cup she just cleaned down somewhere behind the counter and grabbed another one then started wiping it.
"I suppose you want a beer?" She said. Rainbow smiled at her, she remembered what Rainbow always got.
"Yes I do." Rainbow said as the woman put the glass cup down and swung the damp rag onto her left shoulder.
"I'll be back with your drink." She said, turning the opposite direction to the cooler full of beers. Rainbow watched as she took one and walked back to where she just was.
"Here you go." She said, positioning the drink in front of Rainbow onto the wooden countertop. Rainbow opened his wallet and looked for a $5 bill.
"Oh no, it's okay, it's on the house." The woman said, waving her hand slightly for Rainbow to not pay the money.
"Oh no no no, I'll pay." Rainbow insisted, putting the $5 bill onto the countertop next to his beer.
"Please it's fine." The woman said, pushing the $5 bill back to Rainbow. Rainbow smiled slightly and lifted his eyebrows.
"How come?" Rainbow asked.
"..Well, the past times I've seen you come in here, you seemed sad or down, and it's the least I could do to at least cheer you up a bit." The woman said with a smile causing Rainbow to smile to at the sudden kindness towards the woman.
"Thanks that's...really nice of you to do that." Rainbow said, taking a drink of his beer.
"It's no problem." The woman said. Since there was no one else in the bar from it being at a late time, they both talked for a while.
"So what's your name?" Rainbow asked, taking a drink of his beer.
"Oh, my name is Fluttershy." Fluttershy said from behind the counter. Rainbow smiled.
"Nice name, you look like a Fluttershy." Rainbow said, taking a drink of his beer again. Fluttershy chuckled and blushed a tiny bit.
"How about you, what's your name Mr. Beer Lover." Fluttershy asked, joking around at the sarcastic nickname for Rainbow. Rainbow laughed.
"Well my name is Rainbow, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy nodded.
"Well that explains it, you have rainbow hair." Fluttershy said, pointing out Rainbow's colourful hair. After Fluttershy mentioned that, Rainbow ran his hand through his nice hair.
"Quite colourful isn't it?" Rainbow said as Fluttershy nodded.
"Absolutely, mine's pretty simple, pink hair." Fluttershy said, pointing out her own pink hair that was currently in a messy bun.
"I thinks it's beautiful." Rainbow said, taking another drink of his beer. Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide her face from the blush.
"Thanks." Fluttershy said.
"How did you start working here?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy took a deep breath.
"Well, I work two jobs at the moment, my first job is being a fully licensed nurse at Whitby Hospital and this is my second job." Fluttershy explained. Rainbow lifted his eyebrow.
"Why work two jobs when nursing pays well?" Rainbow asked.
"I'm saving up." Fluttershy said.
"For what?" Rainbow asked, not meaning to be too nosy.
"Well, I'm saving up for a house of my own and a new car." Fluttershy said as Rainbow widened his eyes.
"Both!?, that's a lot." Rainbow said. 
"Yeah it is, the house is $788,529 and is the monthly mortgage is $855 a month which is not too bad considering from how big the house is." Fluttershy said.
"Wow." Rainbow said.
"And the car is $23,021 and the car insurance is $3,620." Fluttershy said.
"That's great, looks like your all set." Rainbow said.
"Yeah, I-I am" Fluttershy said.
"That's good for you." Rainbow said, taking another drink of his beer.
"Where do you work?" Fluttershy asked.
Oh, I work at the Empire State Building as an accountant." Rainbow said.
"Oh, that's seems nice." Fluttershy said.
"..Yeah." Rainbow said, looking down.
"...what's got you so down?" Fluttershy asked, immediately regretting she asked that question, she knew that he wouldn't want to share whatever he's dealing with to a stranger. Rainbow lifted his head up.
"Oh um, I'm sorry for asking." Fluttershy quickly said.
"No no, it's okay, it's um.." Rainbow started, looking to the side's to make sure no one was hearing their conversation.
"Well, I uh, there's this woman.." Rainbow started but then Fluttershy leaned back and folded her arms from instantly knowing what his problem now was.
"So a woman? Is this a...relationship problem?" Fluttershy asked.
"No it isn't, or yes? Well, were not together at all, we're just friends but I..I want to ask her out." Rainbow said, blushing from telling the truth.
"What's her name?" Fluttershy asked.
"Rarity." Rainbow said.
"How do you know her?" Fluttershy asked.
"She's my boss." Rainbow said.
"Ohhh, so she works with you." Fluttershy said as Rainbow nodded.
"What does she look like?" Fluttershy asked, Rainbow raised his eyebrow from the question but decided to show her what she looked like.
"Hold on one sec, I have a picture of her somewhere on my phone." Rainbow said, taking out his iPhone and going threw Instagram to Rarity's account to find a picture. When Rainbow found the picture, he turned his iPhone towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at the photo.
"Wow, she's pretty." Fluttershy commented.
"Heh, yeah she is." Rainbow said.
"Okay, let me give you advice." Fluttershy said as Rainbow nodded.

The Bartender (FlutterDash Story)Where stories live. Discover now