What a Night (Part 2)

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The elevator doors were starting to close. Rainbow couldn't let Fluttershy leave like that. Fluttershy just told Rainbow she wanted to be his girlfriend and now Rainbow's chance to get to be her boyfriend. Then Rainbow slid through the elevator doors that just now closed when Rainbow got out. He was running towards the door and pushed them open, the rain instantly hitting him when he got outside. He looked both ways, he didn't see which way she turned.

Where would she be? I didn't see where she ran off. Is she at her house? The bar?...I'll check her house first.

Rainbow then ran to Fluttershy's house since he didn't bring his car. Through the dark night and cold heavy rain, he ran through the streets.
About 15 minutes later, he finally arrived to Fluttershy's house, soaking wet all over. He knocked on her door a few times but she didn't answer. He knocked more times but there was no answer. She might not have been in there, the lights were off inside and she couldn't have been asleep now. Rainbow then ran to the bar, wishing that she was there. He needed to find Fluttershy now.


When he arrived, still soaking wet, he walked into the bar. It said that the bar was closed but Rainbow still went in there, the lights were on still. When he walked in, he walked to the counter.

"Hello!" Rainbow yelled to see if anyone was still here. But there was no answer.

"Is anyone here?!" Rainbow yelled again. No answer still.

"Geez, who the hell closes a bar and leaves the lights on?!" Rainbow said to himself, walking to the back door. He exited the back door getting into the rain again, he looked both ways and saw only the water on the floor shining from the moonlight in the alley way. He sighed in defeat and looked down.

"I'm so stupid." Rainbow said to himself again, putting his hands on his face in stress and looking up. He leaned on the brick walls of the alley way and slouched down.

Great, now i ruined every chance i had with Fluttershy. All because of Rarity.

But then, Rainbow lifted his head up when he heard noises. Aside from the sound of the rain, he heard...crying.


It was near the other side of the alleyway. Rainbow stood up straight and walked slowly towards the sobbing noise. When he got close enough, he saw a female. She was the one crying. But Rainbow knew who it was and it surprised him.

"Fluttershy?!" Rainbow said.

"Rainbow?!, how did you find me?!" Fluttershy said as Rainbow got closer to her.

"I,...I looked for you everywhere, I ran to you house and to the bar." Rainbow said. Fluttershy now stopped her crying and rubbed the tears from her face even though her face was now very wet from the rain.

"...in the rain?" Fluttershy said, looking away from Rainbow whom now stood in front of Fluttershy, looking down to her.

"Yeah, Fluttershy...do you like me? Like as more than friends?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy took a second before she sighed. She looked up at Rainbow.

"..Yes Rainbow I do, okay? That's it." Fluttershy said. Rainbow took some time processing what Fluttershy just said, leaving him shocked.

"Really?" Rainbow said.

"Yes Rainbow! Do you need me to say it 5 more times!?" Fluttershy said, getting annoyed with Rainbow. Rainbow was still speechless.

"...I get it if you don't like me back it just...hurt me when I saw you and Rarity kissing." Fluttershy said.

"Hey, she was the one kissing me, I didn't do anything, and..." Rainbow trailed off, stepping closer to Fluttershy, causing her to blush at the closeness.

"Rainbow, what're you doing?" Fluttershy said, asking why Rainbow was getting close. He then stared at Fluttershy's eyes.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy said, looking into his eyes now.

"Fluttershy, I.." Rainbow looking down and up from Fluttershy's eyes to the floor from nervousness.

"Y-Yes?" Fluttershy asked nervously. Rainbow took a deep breath.

"....Fuck it." Rainbow said, leaning his head in, kissing Fluttershy passionately on her lips. Fluttershy widened her eyes for a quick second but closed her eyes as she began to kiss back. She also brought her hands and wrapped her hands around his neck as he put his hands on her facial cheeks, kissing her passionately. They both leaned onto the brick wall behind them as they started to make-out for a small while.
     Although Fluttershy was surprised, she enjoyed it. She loved it. Having the chance to kiss Rainbow, or in this case now making out with him, was way better than she imagined it would be. And he knew how to kiss perfectly Fluttershy thought to herself.
They both broke the kiss in need for more air. After all, the kiss was quite long. Now, Rainbow had his hands on Fluttershy's waist while Fluttershy's hands cupped around his neck. They both stared into each other's eyes, panting lightly after the long kiss.

"Rainbow.." Fluttershy said.

"S-Sorry, I just..wanted to kiss you." Rainbow said, looking down.

"Rainbow, that was amazing." Fluttershy said smiling as Rainbow lifted his head up.

"You really think so?" Rainbow said.

"Yes, I do, you don't know how long I've been wanting to kiss you." Fluttershy said, chuckling as Rainbow smiled.

"Your a really good kisser." Rainbow said.

"Heh, thanks." Fluttershy said right before there was a long awkward silence between them, all that was heard was the rain hitting the floor.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Rainbow asked out of no where. Fluttershy was once again surprised. She didn't think that they were going to fast or anything just that...she liked the way he asked her that.

"...y-yeah, sure...I mean...I'd love to." Fluttershy said as Rainbow smiled.


    Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy arrived to Fluttershy's house since her house was closest to get out of the rain faster.

"I have clothes upstairs if you want to wear them instead of those wet clothes." Fluttershy said to Rainbow whom was standing at the front door.

"You have men's clothes?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, they're comfortable to sleep in." Fluttershy said as Rainbow smiled.

"Ok, I'll wear them." Rainbow said as Fluttershy went upstairs and got Rainbow clothes which was a black shirt with sweatpants. He put them on as Fluttershy put on her own clothes. When they both changed, they both went to Fluttershy's bedroom. They both decided to go to sleep because they were both tired.

"Goodnight Rainbow." Fluttershy said, getting under the covers.

"Goodnight Fluttershy, I...I love you." Rainbow said, now getting under the covers.

"I-I love you too." Fluttershy said as Rainbow turned off the lamp on Fluttershy's night stand beside of her bed.

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