Eighth Time

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~~~ 4 days later ~~~

Rainbow could hardly sleep after what happened that night 4 days ago. He didn't like Fluttershy

He loved her...

And he knew that after realizing that the night before. And by hardly sleeping, it meant no sleep at all, not one second. Rainbow has been running on coffee at the moment as eye bags were growing under his eyes and hard fatigue was going through him 24/7 but he just couldn't sleep. He didn't go to work either, just stayed home and did his own things but sleep.

Tonight, he decided to go to the bar to see his love, Fluttershy. When he did, he saw her as she saw him. He looked like a zombie, he walked a bit slow and his hair looked like he just woke up after a rough night sleep. When he sat in his preferred seat, he looked at Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow with a confused face from his heavy fatigue and how he was looking at her.

"Everything okay?" Fluttershy asked, looking down to Rainbow whom was sitting in front of her on the other side of the polished wooden counter.

"Y-Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Rainbow said quickly.

"Well you look really...tired, have you slept?" Fluttershy asked, looking at Rainbow closely.

"Uh, yeah." Rainbow said. Fluttershy gave him a 'really' face causing Rainbow to tell the truth. He sighed looking down to the counter.

"...No." Rainbow confessed, looking back at Fluttershy whom was concerned about this.

"How long haven't you slept for?" Fluttershy asked.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe about...4 days?" Rainbow said as Fluttershy widened her eyes.

"4 days! Rainbow do you know how dangerous it is to not sleep at all for more than 3 days!" Fluttershy said, knowing that from also being a nurse.

"It's dangerous?" Rainbow said, having his eyes half closed from his fatigue.

"Yes it is! It puts your life at risk!" Fluttershy said as Rainbow began falling asleep.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy said, causing Rainbow to jump up.

"Yeah, mm-ya?" Rainbow said, his eyes fluttering from tiredness.

"Come with me to my house to get you fixed." Fluttershy said, walking to the other side of the counter, telling one of her workers that she needed to leave. Fluttershy got her purse and walked up to Rainbow.

"Come on Rainbow." Fluttershy said, feeling like she was acting like Rainbow's mother. But he didn't move, he just stood there, slowly falling asleep. She had no choice but to take his hand and bring him out of the bar into her car. She blushed having her own hand interlocked with Rainbow's. It was a nice feeling to Fluttershy but Rainbow needed to sleep.

     They arrived to Fluttershy's car and Fluttershy put Rainbow into the passenger seat and started driving once she got into the driver's seat.


     Fluttershy opened the door of her apartment door and let Rainbow sit on her couch. She the sat beside him.

"Why can't you sleep Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow rubbed his eyes, he didn't want to tell her why he couldn't sleep.

"I don't know." Rainbow said. Fluttershy sighed and looked at Rainbow.

"Rainbow, if you don't sleep, you could die, and since it's already been 4 days, you are at high risk, you will start going into micro sleeps which is basically blackouts at any time and if that happens when your driving for example, you could get into an accident and -"

"Can I sleep here for tonight?" Rainbow asked, cutting off Fluttershy also surprising her. Fluttershy lived alone and only had one bed in her house, but she did have the couch but it was to small for Rainbow to sleep on.

"Oh uh, s-sure but I only have one bed which is mine and I think this couch is too small for you to sleep on." Fluttershy said, getting nervous but yet excited about if she might have the chance to sleep with Rainbow.

"C-Can I sleep with y-you?" Rainbow asked, looking at Fluttershy with a nervous and tired face. Fluttershy thought he looked cute and blushed.

"Um, y-yeah sure, I'll bring you upstairs." Fluttershy said as she helped the tires Rainbow up from the couch, bringing him upstairs to her nice bedroom. Luckily her bed was a king sized bed so it could fit both of the together. She sat Rainbow on the bed as he laid down on his bad, looking at Fluttershy whom was putting her purse on the floor and taking her jacket off. She then looked to Rainbow and saw him looking at her with a smile, Fluttershy smiled and raised her eyebrow.

"Aren't you gonna fall asleep or what?" Fluttershy asked, chuckling.

"Y-yeah, yeah." Rainbow said, closing his eyes, falling asleep.

Fluttershy changed into her sleeping clothing which were just simple sweatpants with a men's shirt (it's actually quite comfortable). She got under the covers next to Rainbow. She blushed madly at the fact that she was this close to him, heck, even in the same bed with him!
     She looked over to him and saw that he was laying on his back sleeping peacefully with his hand resting on his stomach, his other arm laying under his head.

How come he's sleeping fine now?

Fluttershy had a temptation to hold his hand. He was fully asleep and would probably be in a heavy sleep from the lack of it from the last few days. Fluttershy waved her hand in front of Rainbow's face to see if he was awake, but Rainbow didn't move at all. Then Fluttershy went for it, she put her hand into his own. His hands were warm and very muscular and strong. Fluttershy felt safe with Rainbow, knowing that from the other night with that drunk man that Rainbow beat up. She liked the feeling and wanted to move closer to him.
     She moved closer to him to the point where her body was against his. She rested her head on Rainbow's brachial or bicep area on the arm that his head was on top of. When she rested her head, she felt protected and loved. She missed this feeling with her previous boyfriends from the past. But with Rainbow, it was different in a good way, she really did love him. 
         She stayed in that position for about until she needed to go back to her previous position away from Rainbow. She didn't want to but she had to because she didn't want Rainbow to know that she did that without him knowing.
But right after, she fell asleep.

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