Sixth Time (Part 2) + Seventh Time

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As Rainbow walked down the alley way to the bus stop, he stood there waiting and thinking. He felt guilt for randomly snapping at Fluttershy back there when she obviously didn't deserve it but she was acting a tiny bit rude or just had attitude. But Rainbow found himself more ashamed that usual.

Im so dumb! Why do you yell at her like that! Now I scared her off and we won't see each other again, I want to be with her......wait what?......did I just say 'be with her?' no no, Rainbow you like Rarity and want to ask her out, just ask her out tomorrow.

The next day~~~

Rainbow walked into his office walking closer to Rarity's office, getting a bit nervous about asking her out. When he saw that she was sitting at her desk doing her work, he gently knocked on the glass door walls securing her office space. When she heard the three knocks, she lifted her head up and smiled. Rainbow opened the glass door.
"Hey." Rainbow said.
"Hello Rainbow." Rarity said, walking closer to Rainbow and fluttering her eyes at him.
"So uh,...I was just wondering if you um.." Rainbow said, trailing off onto what he wanted to say.
"Date?" Rarity said.
"...if you wanted to-wait what, how did you know?" Rainbow said, surprised that Rarity knew what he was trying to ask.
"Oh sweety, I know everything when it comes to you men." Rarity said, causing Rainbow to get a bit confused when she said that.
"Oh,okay? So how about..-" Rainbow said before Rarity started talking.
"Pick me up at 8 and don't be late, oh and dress formal like a suit." Rarity said.
"Oh okay." Rainbow said.
"Okay bye." Rarity said, gently pushing Rainbow out of her office.


Knock knock knock

The door opened as Rarity saw Rainbow in a suit.
"Ugh, finally was about time, your 3 minutes late." Rarity said, closing her door and walking past Rainbow whom was a bit surprised that Rarity said that. Rarity started walking down her driveway with Rainbow walking behind her.
"Ugh, where is your car?" Rarity said in a rude way.
"Oh it's righ-" Rainbow started before Rainbow cut him off.
"I wasted all this time getting ready and you don't even have a car?!" Rarity raised her voice in her talk. Rainbow got a tiny bit annoyed at Rarity's attitude.
"Uh, its right over there." Rainbow said, pointing to his nice all black Bugatti Chiron. When Rarity saw the car, she widened her eyes and smiled. She then chuckled.
"Wow, l-lets get going then." Rarity said, completely changing her mood.

~~~2 hours later

Rainbow had no other choice but he had to see her. He needed to. After all, he did have feelings for her after realizing so enough. He walked into the bar, he looks nice with his suit but he looked tired and his hair was ruffed up.
When he walked in there, he sat in the same place where he always sat. When he sat down, he patiently waited for Fluttershy to come around. He just sat there, looking around every now and then for Fluttershy. But he didn't see her. He knew for sure she was working today so why didn't he see her.


    A loud noise was heard from the back doors causing Rainbow's head to jolt to the back doors. Clearly everyone around him was too drunk to hear the sudden loud noise so he decided to investigate for himself. He walked to the back doors and opened the doors to reveal the alley way from last night. It was raining outside now. Rainbow took a few steps outside and looked around.

      At first he didn't see anything from the darkness of the night, but then he saw two people, one male and one woman. The woman appeared to be held forced onto the wall by the male. Something bad was clearly going on. Rainbow quickly walked up to the situation and got close.
"Hey!" Rainbow yelled causing the two people to look at him. But Rainbow recognized the woman, it was Fluttershy. She looked scared. It looked like the man was trying to do something to her.
"What are you doing to her?!" Rainbow yelled again.
"Go back inside and mind your own fucking business!" The other male yelled back, he was clearly older than Rainbow from his voice, a lot older.
"No!" Rainbow said, walking closer. But the other man quickly let go of Fluttershy and pulled out a knife, surprising both Fluttershy and Rainbow.
"I'm giving you one last chance to go back inside or else you get hurt!" The man yelled, holding the knife in front of him. Rainbow looked at Fluttershy then back at the man. He needed to save Fluttershy.
"No." Rainbow said right before the man charged at him. Fluttershy gasped as both Rainbow and the man fell to the floor. After the impact, the man sat up and punched Rainbow in the face a few times, sitting on top of his chest so that it would keep him down.
"Get off him!" Fluttershy yelled, pushing the man off of Rainbow whom now had a small bloody face.
"Oh your fucking dead missy!" The man yelled, getting up and walking towards Fluttershy with the knife in the prepared position for deadly action. Fluttershy took a few steps back from utter fear, trying to get away from him if he tried to stab her. But before that could happen, the man was pushed into the trash cans by the back doors of the bar. It was Rainbow who pushed him.
"Are you okay?!" Rainbow asked Fluttershy.
"Yes I'm okay but..Look out!" Fluttershy said right before the man came swinging his knife towards Rainbow bit missed from Rainbow's instant reflex. Rainbow then grabbed his arm and twisted it and swung him to the brick wall before punching him in the face a few times before he was knocked out.
    When he was knocked out, the man slumped down to the floor in a seating position leaning on the wall. Rainbow panted from the punches and wiped his bloody lip. He and Fluttershy were now soaking wet from the rain.
"Rainbow!" Fluttershy yelled to him, causing him to turn around to see Fluttershy.
"Are you okay Rainbow?!" Fluttershy asked.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine, are you okay?" Rainbow said, rubbing his head from the paining headache he is having from the punches he got from the anonymous man.
"That doesn't matter, we need to go you to a doctor now!" Fluttershy said, pulling Rainbow's arm towards the back doors of the bar.
"No, no, no, no, I don't need a doctor." Rainbow said between heavy breathing panting.
"Rainbow your face is covered in blood!" Fluttershy said.
"It's fine, I just need a few bandages that's all." Rainbow said, walking slowly with Fluttershy inside of the bar. When they got inside, Fluttershy stopped the music.
"The bar is now closed, may the customers now leave!" Fluttershy said as the customers started leaving.


When all the customers exited the bar, Fluttershy got Rainbow the first aid kit. Rainbow sat in his usual spot as Fluttershy stood in front of him putting the medical items on him.
"Who was that guy?" Rainbow said as Fluttershy put the last cotton ball on the bleeding spot on Rainbow's forehead then put surgical tape on top of it.
"Just another drunk man." Fluttershy said, closing the first aid kit.
"Another? This has happened to you before?!" Rainbow said.
"Not only me, the other workers too but yeah." Fluttershy said calmly.
"Uh, don't you think you should report that to your manager or boss?!" Rainbow said.
"Oh we have, dozens of times, and speaking of bosses, how did it go with your boss?" Fluttershy asked on a blunt way.
"Who fucking cares about her, I care about you." Rainbow said, the last part he said aloud by accident. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and blushed a bit.

"D-Did something happen?" Fluttershy asked slowly. Rainbow sighed.
"Yeah, something did happen." Rainbow said as Fluttershy sat down to listen to what happened.

To be continued...

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