Chapter 12

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~~~ The Next Morning...

Rainbow Dash woke up. It was bright in the room, indicating it was probably the afternoon or earlier. Rainbow sat up and looked over, Fluttershy wasn't there. Rainbow sighed and looked down to the white covers. He wanted her to still be there but she was probably now at Whitby Hospital working. Now, Rainbow that he had more energy now, which he did. But he also felt that he was being a burden to Fluttershy for the last 2 days. He rubbed his eyes and slowly got out of the warm and comfy bed.


About 20 minutes later, he left Fluttershy's house after cleaning the bedroom and was now heading to his house. When he did, he took a shower and got ready for work, he needed to go back to work since he hasn't been there for the last couple of days. When he was ready, he brought back his old hair style, his preferred hair style, the sort of fade hairstyle for men. He drove today to his work building today, he didn't feel like taking the bus today.

He walked out of the elevator to the floor of where he worked and walked through the small office places as he was going to his own. When he finally found his office spot, he sat down in his chair and put his phone on the table and his briefcase under the table. He took of his jacket, showing his white tight fitted blouse that he showed up to work with. He turned on the computer and started doing whatever he needed to do for his job. Since he was accountant, he decided to look up Fluttershy's account and see who is working for her. When he finally found her name, a woman named Andrea Simmons was her accountant. He wanted to know if Andrea knew Fluttershy worked two jobs and see how much each job offers. He needed to find Andrea so he looked up her name in the accountant members search box.
As he finished typing her name, she came up on the computer screen. She worked in office C42. Rainbow was in office B13 so he had to have a little walk around to find her. So he stood up from his chair and walked closer to the office C42.

Now he was at C39, he looked down the aisle of offices and found C42 on the side of an office. He quickly walked up to her and got to her office. But right when he got there, Rarity came out of no where and started talking to Andrea. Rainbow grunted quietly and waited patiently by Andrea's office for their conversation to finish.

"Oh hello Rainbow." Rarity said, grabbing Rainbow's attention, causing him to look up and walk closer to Andrea's office.

"H-Hey." Rainbow said.

"I need to talk to you mister." Rarity said, putting one finger on Rainbow's chest causing him to walk backwards as she walked forwards down the aisle until they got to her office.

"Yes?" Rainbow said.

"We need to talk." Rarity said.

"I'm sorry but I have something to do." Rainbow said, wanted to get out of there as fast as he could.

"That can wait." Rarity said, getting closer to Rainbow.

"What do you want?" Rainbow asked.

"I want to finish what were doing that night you took me out." Rarity said as Rainbow turned his head away from her and rolled his eyes.

"Really? That's what you called me in here for?" Rainbow said.

"I know you what to continue it." Rarity said in a seductive voice, getting close to Rainbow again.

"No I don't, I meant what I said to you that night so why won't you just listen to what I said." Rainbow said getting annoyed with Rarity, he also started walking to the door.

"You clearly want to do it with that ugly bartender." Rarity said, making Rainbow stop and turn around.

"First of all, she's not ugly, she's a lot more prettier than you, second of all, unlike you, Im not horny on a first date." Rainbow said, going back to the door to leave. Rarity widened her eyes in how rude Rainbow was. Rainbow left the office, leaving Rarity in shock and walked to Andrea's office.

"Hey Andrea, I need to talk to you about one of your clients." Rainbow asked.

"Sure, which one." Andrea asked.

"Fluttershy Breeze." Rainbow said.

"Oh her, I know her, she's a hard worker, why do you need to talk about her?" Andrea asked.

"She works two jobs right?" Rainbow asked. Andrea looked at her computer screen then leaned back and nodded.

"Yes, a full-time nurse at Whitby Hospital and a part-time job as a bartender at Rollins Bar House." Andrea said.

"Um, how much income does she get every month from both jobs?" Rainbow asked.

"For the nurse job she gets $5,660 as a monthly salary and for the bartender she gets $1,748. Why do you ask?." Andrea said.

"Oh, no reason just asking." Rainbow said, leaving back to his office after. Now that he knew how much Fluttershy was being paid, he could understand how fast she will get the house and the car. It will probably be about 4-5 years or more since than.

~~~ 6 hours later

Fluttershy heard the doors open from the front of the bar. She turned her head up from cleaning the counter of the bar then smiled at who came in.

"Your finally up." Fluttershy said smiling as Rainbow Dash took his usual seat.

"Was about time huh?" Rainbow said, chuckling.

"Yeah." Fluttershy said.

"You want anything to drink?" Fluttershy asked.

"Some whisky is good for now." Rainbow said.

"Sure." Fluttershy said, turning back to get the whisky.

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