Second Time

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It was about 3 days after the last time Rainbow came to the bar. Of course, Rainbow was in need of more alcohol for tonight so decided to go to the bar again. It looked the same as the last time. There he was, sitting at the long counter with his head down. He was angry that he didn't ask out a certain woman yet.
He lifted his head up to see if there was a bartender anywhere but no, not yet that is.
He waited and waited until he saw the same beautiful woman from before that gave him his beer, she was cleaning up a few glass cups with the white rag that she was holding. Same hairstyle and clothing as well. Rainbow stared at her for a while until his tastebuds thirsted for a drink.
"Excuse me?" Rainbow said, getting the woman's attention.
"Yes sir?" She asked, walking closer to Rainbow.
"C-Can I have a...uh a, just a beer please?" Rainbow said, figuring out if he wanted something more alcoholic at the moment.
"Sure." She said, walking to get him what he asked for.
Rainbow was tired and depressed. He needed to tell this person how he felt, it was eating him alive that he wasn't saying anything.
"Here you go sir." She said, giving him his drink.
"Thanks, how much?" Rainbow asked, taking his beer.
"$4.50." She said as Rainbow gave a $5 bill.
"Keep the change." Rainbow said as the woman nodded and walked off.

I'd hate to admit this but...I need help.

The Bartender (FlutterDash Story)Where stories live. Discover now