Eighth Time Part 2

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Next Morning...

"He's still sleeping?" Fluttershy said to herself, dropping her purse onto the floor and taking off her jacket she was wearing. She had just finished her shift at the hospital today and now she just came home. Rainbow was still sleeping, gaining his sleep and energy from not sleeping for the past few days. It was 6:00pm at the moment as Fluttershy stood there, looking at Rainbow sleep with a smile on her face.


Rainbow Dash finally woke up after an eternity. He was still in Fluttershy's bed but he wasn't fully aware of that. To be honest, he couldn't remember to much from the past few days due to his  heavy fatigue. He sat up, having much more energy from the last time he was awake. It was dark outside, indicating the time was probably after midnight, which it was when Rainbow figured that out when he turned his head to see a clock on Fluttershy's nightstand. It read '3:02am'. Rainbow sighed and looked around, there was no one else in the room but him.

    Where am I? Whose bed am i in? Whose apartment am I in? How did I get here? And why can't I remember anything from the last few days?

*Door Opens*

Rainbow jolted his head up from the sudden noise. He saw a female figure that had a jacket on and was now taking it off.

"You had to wake up at 3 in the morning when I'm about to go to sleep?" The female spoke.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked, squinting his eyes to try and get a better image of her from the darkness.

"That's me, you probably won't remember what happened from the last few days but let me just summarize it for you." Fluttershy said, sitting in front of Rainbow on the bed.

"Okay." Rainbow said, not knowing what she's going to say.

"Well, for 4 days, you didn't get any sleep at all and almost had to end up in the hospital if I didn't invite you here and sleep, which you did and now your probably stable again." Fluttershy said. Rainbow looking at the nice white covers in realization.

"Oh." Rainbow said, remembering why he didn't exactly get his sleep.
"Yeah." Fluttershy said, standing up.

"Well, thanks for letting me stay here, as um, how long did I exactly sleep for?" Rainbow asked.

"You've been sleeping since early last night." Fluttershy said, Rainbow widened his eyes.

"What?! Really?!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, but that's usual to patients with insomnia and are recovering from the lack of sleep they've had, memory loss from the last past few days are most likely barely memorable." Fluttershy said.

"This has never happened to me before, I don't really have insomnia." Rainbow said, trying to not say why he didn't get much sleep.

"Well, if this hasn't happened to you before, is there something on your mind that is bothering you?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow looked to the covers again.

Shit I'm caught ~ Rainbow thought.

"..N-No." Rainbow said fast. Fluttershy gave him a look of a 'really' face. They caught eyes before they started staring again. Of course, it was awkward when ever this happened but this time Rainbow felt like he needed to tell her how he felt about her, but he thought that Fluttershy still thought that he was still interested in Rarity, that's why he didn't tell her yet. He needed to make it obvious that he doesn't like Rarity anymore to get Fluttershy.

"Rainbow." Fluttershy said.

"What?, I'm not lying." Rainbow said. Fluttershy gave him the look again. Rainbow quickly fake yawed.

"Geez, I'm still very tired, time to catch some z's." Rainbow said, laying down quickly and trying to avoid Fluttershy's stare.

     Fluttershy sighed and stood up from the bed and went to change into her sleeping clothing (in another room). When she was done, she went back into the room and saw Rainbow in a move less position. She laid under the covers and quickly tried to fall asleep, which she did from being tired. But for Rainbow, it was the complete opposite, he was wide awake from his extra hours of sleep.
        After a few minutes, he heard Fluttershy's breathing get softer and quieter, indicating that  she was now fully asleep. Rainbow turned around and saw her beautiful face sleeping peaceful, like sleeping beauty. Rainbow had the need to cuddle her into his muscular arms and hold her and let nothing else bad hurt her. He scooted over and got closer to her and put her head on his arm as his other hand holding hers. She was soft, but yet tough. Well, emotionally.
      She felt so calm in his arms. Rainbow lightly kissed her forehead and went back to his own position, blushing.

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