What a Night (Part 1)

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2 weeks later...

Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have gotten closer and seen each other more ever since they slept together. There was a party that was held at a hall since Rainbow's job had a certain anniversary since starting up. The guest were told to invite anyone they wanted if they wanted to, so Rainbow thought of asking Fluttershy to come. Right now, he was preparing for the party, they had to dress party-like but yet professional so Rainbow wore a suit with out the blazer jacket. He pulled out his phone and called Fluttershy.

"Oh hey Rainbow."
"Hey, sorry for the really short notice but, do you wanna come to a small party for my work tonight?"
"..Woah, tonight? That's a really short notice."
"Oh, okay, sorry for asking."
"No no no, um,...I'll think about it quickly and I'll call you back when I decide."
"Okay, the party is at my work, same floor."
"Okay bye"

~~~ 2 hours later

The party was still going on, it was fun too. There was loud music playing. But Rainbow went a little too over with drinking too much so he was a bit drunk but he knew what he was doing. Fluttershy still hasn't come yet but she decided to come to the party now. She was on her way. But at the party, Rarity walked up to Rainbow.

"Hello." Rarity said.

"Oh hey." Rainbow said.

"Lets go back here." Rarity said, grabbing Rainbow's hand and forcefully pulling him to a sort of hidden place.

"Uh no thanks, I need to go-" Rainbow said.

"Just follow me." Rarity said as they now stopped behind an office door.

"Why did you bring me here?" Rainbow asked right before feeling Rarity's lips press onto his. It took him a while to react to her kiss but when he realized what she was doing, he moved back, breaking their kiss or rather her kiss. But when he did, he turned his head and saw Fluttershy standing there witnessing what just happened. Now Rainbow screwed up, but it was mostly Rarity's fault. He could see that she had tears in her eyes right before she walked off in an angry way towards the door.

Rainbow looked down and realized Rarityw as still on him.

"Get off me." Rainbow said, angrily and slightly pushing Rarity off him. Rainbow then stood up and ran to the door Fluttershy just walked out of. When he did, he looked down the hall and saw Fluttershy in the elevator, it was about to close. Can Rainbow make it? He needed to see Fluttershy after what just happened. Rainbow wanted to be with Fluttershy and Rarity just ruined those chances. He ran as fast as he could towards the elevator, every step closer he could see the betrayal in Fluttershy's eyes along with tears. When she saw him running to the elevator, she couldn't face him, even talk to him after what she just went through. So she decided to press the close door button on the inside of the elevator wall.

After a few seconds, the door started to close slowly but in a flash, just before the door could close, Rainbow slid through the opening right before the doors could close shut, leaving him and Fluttershy in there alone. Luckily, the floor Rainbow worked on was on the 56 floor, giving him plenty of time to apologize and explain what just happened. Fluttershy looked away from Rainbow. After standing straight up, Rainbow took a deep breath.

"Fluttershy." Rainbow started.

"...Why did you come in here?" Fluttershy asked, still looking away.

"What you saw back there, it, it wasn't my fault at all, she forced me there and kissed me." Rainbow said.

"So you call me here to see you and Rarity making out, wow that's great." Fluttershy said sarcastically.

"Fluttershy, I told you, she kissed me." Rainbow said, taking a step closer to Fluttershy.

"How come you didn't pull away instantly?" Fluttershy said. Rainbow narrowed his eyebrows at why Fluttershy asked that, if she was his boyfriend then that would be a question he would expect but Fluttershy wasn't Rainbow's boyfriend.

"What?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow.

"Why didn't you pull away?!" Fluttershy said.

"I was in shock! and why would you even ask that question?! Your not even my girlfriend!" Rainbow said, not meaning what he said mostly. Fluttershy couldn't hold it in anymore, she needed to let it go.

"Well what if I wanted to be?!" Fluttershy said, wiping a tear from one of her eyes. At that sentence, Rainbow was in complete shock after what she just said. He was so shocked that he couldn't even manage to say anything. His mind wanted to say so many things but his mouth avoided that from happening.


The elevator doors opened as they were now on the ground floor, revealing the entrance doors which were now the exit doors from Rainbow and Fluttershy's view. Fluttershy waited a few seconds for Rainbow to respond but he didn't so she just stormed out of the elevator, leaving Rainbow in there alone. All he could do was watch as Fluttershy walked to the exit doors, now leaving the building into the rain since it was raining outside at the moment.

Come on! Move your legs Rainbow!!! Why aren't I moving my legs! Go after Fluttershy! She just told you that she wanted to be your girlfriend and you leave her like this?! No way! I can't do that, never and ever. I need to tell her how I feel.

To be continued...

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