Chapter One

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A/n: Excuse me for any errors you mistakes you may see. This is the official sequel for Welcome 2 my block so it would be highly reccomended to read that first book first.


A: I am unsure if it is gonna be a short story. I guess, whatever I feel like I can finish really. Ok. Now lemme shut up, enjoy!

*Amber's Pov

Chapter One -  Back To The Daily Grind

I was rushing outta bed, cause I had just realized I was going to be late for School. I quickly ran into the bathroom to take a shower. I hoped and prayed that the shower was working, because for the past week it hasn't. I have to take showers at William's house, but even then his shower was doing too much.

I twisted the rusted dial and after a long pause sprays of water came running out. I felt it, and it was cold. I groaned, and I could've sworn I've paid the bills so why isn't it hot? My Mother has been working extra shifts, meaning in the morning and at night. So she's been sleeping in.

I grabbed a towel off of the half-broken rack. I need to buy a new one, I thought silently to myself. I threw the towel on the ground and ripped my clothes off. I stepped into the cold chatter, which made my teeth chattr and my body shiver. I grabbed the small soap and began lathering myself up good for a quickl five minutes. I couldn't stay in there longer--if I did I would probably end up with hypothermia.

And aint nobody got time for that! I stepped outta the shower and dried myself off quickly. I read the old clock that was on the wall, and it was 7:10. School started at 7:25 so I had to be there soon.

I quickly ran into my bedroom, and lathered up some lotion and deoderant. I slipped on a pair of bra and panties, before grabbing a pair of demim jeans. I slipped those on, and grabbed my School's sweatshirt before slpping that on as well. Not bad, I thought to myself looking into the cracked mirror.

I plugged in the flatirons I bought with saved up money, and did my hair in ten minutes. It was nice and flat, and I slipped on some lipgloss as well. I didn't wear makeup and thankfully my skin didn't have that many bumps--it was near flawless. I slipped on some white socks before stuffing my feet in my new pair of Js, William bought me.

I seriously, needed to get a car. I grabbed my headphones, phone and backpack. Tina was going to pick me up today, I haven't spokn to her in a minute so I hope it won't be awkward.

I grabbed a poptart on my way out the door and a bottle of water. I ran out into the projects in which we lived. On my block there were still cracked pavement, that was probably gonna be there for awhile if the goverment won't come and clean it up.

I hurried to Tina's sleek mercedes benz lended by her late grandfather. The expnsive car looked outta place in the projects.

"Hurry up, all of this dirty kids lookin at me like they wanna shoot me or somethin."

Tina was black and beautiful of course, but soemtimes she can just act even worser than those white people. 

I shake my head at her, and waved at a few kids I knew. They waved back. They were going on the public bus in Chicago, so they had to hurry up and get over to the city--which was a few blocks away.

I hopped in Tina's car and she began blastin 'Bed Peace' by Jhene Aiko. An artist I have never heard of.     This song was interesting...and the girl had a nice voice.

Tina began singing to the music as she drove us to School. We got there in ten minutes, which made it to be about 7:21. I dashed up the steps as Tina parked. I went through the secruity measures, and hurried to my first class skipping the books.

I sat down in my seat just as the bell had rung. Safe. I thought to myself.  Well even though I didn't wanna be here, I still needed to get into a good college. I would be turning 17 soon so hopefully I can have a decent birthday. Back to the daily grind, is what most people call it. 

*Rachel Pov

I was scared. I didn't mean for it to happen at all. I really hope this wasn't happening to me. I was just a kid however. Amina kept asking me why I was letting myself go. Usually, I'd be fresh up in the flyest clothes, my nails painted and my hair would be done. I was only 13! And yet I was feeling sick to my stomach.

What she doesn't know that Trey and I have been seeing each other on the low. I finally let him take my V-card. I thought they if I was with him, and that if I let him loose it then he would love me again. I know I'm stupid for listening and we didn't even use the square type things. What's it called? Oh yeah a condom. So I was scared as ever.

My cousin who is a doctor said condoms can break, and the best way not to get pregnant is to be Abstient which is basically, not to have sexual intercourse with anyone. Knowing Trey, he can have all type of disease.

It was really painful, and he didn't even make it nice. He just stuck it in, and had his way with me. Trey was going to turn 15 over the Summer and since I was only in 7th grade and he was in 9th grade it was crazy.

I was going into the 8th grade soon, along with Amina. I was gonna turn 14 in a couple of weeks. I was emotional and everything because my period didn't even come yet. It's a week late, and that's when me and Trey had done it.

I was getting ready for School. I had just gotten out the shower and exaiming my belly in the mirror. So far I threw up twice, but I convinced myself that it was just because of something I had eaten. I slowly slipped on my School uniform. Tan pants with a black shirt.

I did my hair into a simple braid. I added eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipgloss to my lips. I knew I was a pretty girl. But I loved to wear makeup because I wanted to go into Cosmetology. I swallowed as I grabbed my backpack and phone.

My parents weren't here like usual, and would be coming home late. They left me 20 bucks a piece for lunch money for about three weeks. I grabbed the money and stuffed it in my pocket. I sigh as I trudge slowly to my busstop.

Amina was there, wearing her School unfiorm. She looked pretty today. I had a bad feeling that she had some secrets that even I didn't know about.

"Hey." Amina said.

I nod my head, "Hi."

It was quiet for a minute. We were the only 2 kids at the stop, and thankfully the snow had already melted. 

"Look what I got." Amina whispered pulling out two ciggerettes and a lighter. My eyes widended, "Who gave you those?"

"I found them in William's dresser."

Amina glanced around to make sure no one would see her. She sparked up the cig. She was unsure if she should smoke it.

"Don't tell me you gonna smoke it?" I asked her.

She nodded her head yes, and brought it to her lips. She inhaled once and puffed it out. She coughed madly and threw the cig to the ground. She stomped her foot on it.

"I just wanted to try it." Amina admitted.

Hmm if only she knew that' show I thought about having sex. I just wanted to try it, now I lost my virginity to a boy who could care less about me or the slight possibility that I'm having his kid.

"Well just be careful, you don't wanna the adults seeing you smoke. They will tell William." I say speaking the truth. Everyone keeps tabs on everyone.

People call it being all in ya buisness but we call it looking out for once another.

"True." Amina said laughing.

The bus pulled up and we stepped onto it. We headed to the back and sat down, talking about something else. The blunt in the grass was long forgotten, and my pregnancy was forgotten just for a second.

But the lingering thought was still there, 'I hope I'm not pregnant!'

A/n: A short chapter. I bet you guys are shocked <3 Make sure to read the description if you are confused. Vote and comment

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