Chapter Twelve

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A/n: I know it took me so long in order to update this story. Let's be honest, over the summer I was too busy trying to give myself a break from school, that I didn't wanna do anything! I hope you guys are still interested in reading... and expect frequent updates in the future! Thanks so much, for being loyal and being with me for 2 years! Woo I'm getting old! 

Chapter Twelve - Critical Thinking

[Amina Pov]

God. I can't believe what Rachel said. Like how dare she for real, for real? She just got on my last fucking nerves. I stormed back home, and William wasn't home. (Go figure). I looked around and saw the lady who was suppose to be my Mom passed out on the floor.  There was an empty can of soda, and a half-empty vodka bottle by her.

I stepped over her disgusted. When was this lady suppose to get the hell out of OUR house? She doesn't pay bills, William does. I winced in the thought of my "Mom's" boyfriend,coming back. He hasn't tried anything yet, but he has given me the eye as if he wanted to try his way with me. 

I walked into William's room. William smokes, so why shouldn't I? Yeah yeah, smoking is bad for you but right now I just need it to calm my nerves. I search for the green newport package, and find two cigs. William will probably know, if one of them were missing. But probably not, because these look a little bit forgotten.

I inhaled his dusty room, and  grabbed a cig. I searched a good five minutes for a lighter, to light this shit up. I found it under his brown Mahogony dresser.  I flicked the lighter two times, and lit the cig and brought it to my lips.

I inhaled and closed my eyes. I don't know how to describe the feeling but it did make me feel very much tranquil. I wiped the stray tears that's from my eyes. Rachel's pregnant. And she's only fourteen now. So that means she's gonna have a baby when she's fourteen. Right before high school I think.

I sigh. The school-year has gone by quickly, and  I know everything that those kids say about her, but I never tell Rachel. Why would I tell her something so negative to bring her down. So why would she have said that to me?

I took the cig from my lips and stared at it. Most people would called these cancer sticks. Two months ago, I would have looked at everyone who smoked and thought they were dumb as hell, but here I am doing the same thing.

When you have no one else, who do you run to? I remember an old Aunt of mine would say, "Don't depend on anyone but yourself. You should always have YOU, when no one else wants you."

And me and William have been doing that for the longest. William, he's just  a senior in high school. Who has to pay the bills for everything? Him. We would have been kicked out of this place, or homeless a long time ago. And people like Rachel seem to take their nice little house for granted. Sure, her parents aren't around, but that's only because of work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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