Chapter Two

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A/n: Excuse me for any errors you may see. 'The girlfriend of a cancer patient' is back up again so whenever you have a chance, please go check it out.  Also go check out 'Along for the ride' a new urban serires sorta like LOAFG. But waay different. 

Thanks (:

*Amina Pov

Chapter Two -  A unwanted Guest

I took in a deep breath. I was on the bus ride home with Rachel, from School. She's been acting distant and saying her complaining that her stomach hurts. I kept asking her what's wrong but she wouldn't look at me. I hope she wasn't getting herself into trouble.

"Are you sure, you okay?" I ask once we get off the bus.

She nods her head once, and heads walking over to her house. Usually, I would swing by with her but if she wants to talk then she can gladly come to her only best friend.

I sigh and adjust my backpack straps as I walk home from School. Since me, almost being raped--William has called up on me non stop. He said he will be waiting at home for me. Pac has also, been circling around the neighborhood so I won't 'sneak' any grown men into the house.

I shake my head at the thought. I liked that they were caring, but it was becoming annoyinh. Isn't this why teens and pre-teens rebel against their parents because they shelter them too much? Who cares if I was 13. I was going into the eighth grade in a couple of months anyway.

I take a sigh as I reach my house. It's been wearing off these few years. The shingles were a light coating on brown. The sidewalk was a cracked mess, and the houses were tiny as ever. That's normal to see in the slums of Chicago anyways. I walked into the house and dropped my backpack off.

I heard a raspy cough and nearly jumped out of my skin. I thought william said he was gonna be here? I stare at an unfamilliar woman and a man to look like he was in his 40s.

"Hello, Child." This woman spoke to me. She was all skin and bones. Her brown skin was wrinkly and splotchy like. Her hair was short, nappy and brittle. When she smirked her teeth poked out at odd angles, and I didn't even regonized her.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked confused. "And who's this man?"

"I'm your Mother and this is my boyfriend Carl. We'll be staying here for the rest of the month!" She replies clapping her brown hands together.

The man kept staring at me, as if I were a piece of meat. I didn't get a good feeling about him at all. I shake my head unbelieveing that my Mother who missed my birthday and everything...after six long moths decides to show up.

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