Chapter Four

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A/n: A short yet filing chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it lol. It's hard writing chapters for your stories bc you want it to make sense but at the same time, you want it to be exciting and not boring. So thank you guys for your patience. Check Out Along for the ride, and Gangster if you like Urban books, thanks. Want a taste of a fan fic? Check out my well written Kendrick Lamar fan fic.

Chapter Four - Life As We Know It

*Amber's Pov

I took in a deep breath as I studied my baby sister's breathing. Her small chest was slowly falling up and down. I rechecked her pulse, it was there. I must've miscalculated in my frenzy of panic. It was there  but it was very faint.  I didn't hear the steps as I came. Where was the white lady? I didn't wanna leave my babysister there. I picked her up gently and spotted a blanket on the couch. I grabbed it and wrapped her broken body.

Usually when kids were in pain they cried, but Teyjah was silent and that scared the hell out of me. All I saw were blue and black dots at the thought of losing her. I promised myself, I would spend a lot of time with her more.I've been thinking about myself lately that I haven't once thought about my kid sister..who's been getting abused for how long.

It did trouble me at first  on how she disliked going to that ladies house. I thought it was just the way she was. Tears prinpicked me as I rushed to my car. Tina's ass still haven't gotten out yet.

She gasped when she saw Teyjah. "Oh my God, are we going to have to go to the hospital? Tina exclaimed in a weak voice.

"No shit. She's gonna die!" I scream at her furiously. She was so stupid sometimes, I wanted to smack her. Tina gritted her teeth and bit back a smart remark.

"Okay, let's go. Who did this to her?" She asked pulling from the curb and pressing the gas.

"i don't know. If I knew I would have told you." I half lied. I wouldn't have told her anything to be honest with you. Tina was quiet the whole time and that had made me greatful, because I really didn't wanna hear no ratchetness come out from her mouth.

"Can you hurry up?" I snapped wiping some blood from my little sister's head. Lord let her be alright! I quickly did a little prayer. Tears were springing in my eyes, and I wasn't gonna let Tnia see me cry. I don't even know why i hung around her anyway.

"I'm trying the best I can damn." Tina shouted.

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