Chapter Eleven

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A/n: Make sure you guys vote & comment. I'm sorry it's been taking me so long to write. Anyways here's the chapter you guys all been waiting for. Make sure to show love to all of my other stories. Thank you, and enjoy the read.

Chapter Eleven - People Change

(Rachel Pov)

I hated going to School. I honestly really hated it. It was only a few weeks later, and my stomach was already a bit bigger than it was the last time. Most of all I hated waking up in the morning, becausemy stomach pains are so bad that I cry. I'm surprised my parents haven't found out yet, they're too busy to even care about me anyways.

It was crazy, how much they worked. Maybe if they payed more attention to me, then maybe I would have been way better, and I wouldn't have gotten pregnant.

Stop being in denial  

That was my counicious speaking. I pushed it to the side, and threw the hot covers from my body. My hair was matted to my scalp and honestly at this point i could give a crap about my appearance.

I ran the shower, and took a quick five minute shower, and stepped out. I stared at my naked body in the mirror, and googled at my curves and placed my hands on my lower adomen. There was a low bump forming.

I sighed and hit myself in the head for being so stupid. I guess I deserved this. I did have sex, when I know I shouldn't have. It sucks. It really, really sucks. Especially to know that probably your future was gone, because you have to pay child support, and yada yada yada I don't even know. For Christ sakes I was only thirteen.

"Baby's are Expensive!" My momma always told me. She gave me 'The Talk' countless of times, and everytime I would turn red and say, "Mom stop. I already know, you don't have to keep telling me that!"

Boy was I wrong. I scurried into my bedroom, and threw on a pair of jeans and a black bra. I threw on a black t-shirt, and tried to untangle my short hair was a comb. I oiled up my edges, and made sure to  brush my teeth as well.

After that I added on some smell-good spray and grabbed my light weight back pack. I didn't have to do gym, but I had to do those coed worksheets. 

I slipped on my shoes and headed for the door, without grabbing a bagel.

I met Amina at the bus stop. She was smiling and giggling a little way too much.

"What's so funny?" I ask her, bumping her shoulder.

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