Chapter Nine

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A/n: I'm glad you guys are enjoying this book so far. It's gonna pick up soon in the next few chapters. I hope you guys enjoy yourself, and enjoy reading.  Sorry if it's short or not. I finally reached 1 thousand fans, so thank YOU all!

Hahah see that? (to my haters) YOU MAD... or NAH?

Jk. But thank you!

Chapter Nine - Lemme Find Out


Amina must have thought I was stupid. I had a feeling that she was up to something. And Rachel stopped coming over. That girl always came over, as much as I didn't like her like that I was worried about her. So tonight, I asked Amina about her friend.

"What happened to Rachel?"

Amina looked worried. Maybe it was the trick of the light, or my imagination. But I was determined to at least show a little bit of interest in my Sister's life.

"Nothing." She said a little too quickly. A bubble of irritation spread through me, but I tried not to let it show.

"Well, you can come to me with ANYTHING." I say, putting the emphasis on anything.

"I know dang." Amina said annoyed.

It was quiet for a long time, before I turned back to what I was doing. I didn't have time for hormonal little girls, these days. I knew one thing, Lemme find out that Amina was on that bull-shit.. if she was feeling some type of way, then she don't know what SHE gon feel when I'm done with her.


Rachel Pov

I was sick of people juding me, because of my choices. They were MY choices. Yeah, it was a stupid thing and YEAH I messed up! Don't people already get that? And of course people were whispering about me in the hallways, like I didn't hear. There were already three girls' pregnant including me. The boys didn't want us, at least  because they didn't wanna be the 'babydaddy' to our kids, which is stupid because no one ever said that they would.

I would ignore them anyway. Honestly, I did not have anyitme for no haters. I was glad to finally be going to the 8th grade anyway and School was finishing up soon. Hell, who am I kidding I have like six months left.

My stomach has gotten a little bit bigger but still not too noticable. I had no idea how everyone else knew,  they need to keep my name out their mouth if they don't know me. I was honestly, getting fed up with everyones crap.

Yeah I got pregnant, not you. I swear that's hard for so many people to understand.

Trey cameup to me, later in the afternoon. I was surprised to see him, but tried not to let it show. I was grabbing a textbook from my locker.

"Look, when are you having the babyshower or whatever." He said in monotone.

"Um, I don't know?" I reply coyly. I wasn't even planning on having a damn babyshower.

"Okay, well lemme know then." He said walking off and finding his frieds. Trey was in 9th grade of course, but out school went from 6-9th it was weird. 

Two seventh grade girls giggled and batted their eyelashes at him and I nearly gagged. I headed towards my locker & it was weird because usually I'd run into Amina, but she was no where to be found. I sighed and ran my hands through my short hair. Only a couple more hours left, and I can finally go home.  I was just really hoping it would hurry up.

A couple more hours later, I was going into my last class of the day. I spotted Amina in a heated conversation between this fat girl named Shannon. Shannon was all in Amina's face and Amina was calm and collected. Just as Shannon was about to swing, the Principal came and ran down towards the two girls. 

I just simply turned away. Everyone else was looking but I know Amina would talk to me later, if there was a later. Cause lord knows if she got suspended William would kick her butt.

I got home finally. I headed straight up stairs to my bedroom. I was used to the fact that I was pregnant, and was gonna be a Mother at like fourteen, basically. My parents' weren't home like usual and for some reason I didn't care. My stomach hurt real bad and I was afraid to take Advil because I wasn't sure if that tweaked up the pregnancy or not.

Plus I was too lazy to go on the computer and check so for now I guess it was just going to hurt. I sigh and strip out of my School uniform and throw on a pair of loose sweats and tie my hair into a bun. I wash my face clean--only because it felt dirty. So, I climbed into bed and rested for ten minutes. The pain ebbed away but then I leaned over my garbage can and threw up.

I got up to brush my teeth, and sip some water before laying down in bed. I was too sleepy to do any of my homework, and didn't wake up until four in the morning. School, started around eight or some crap like that. I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes, and then my hands flew to my stomach.

It bulged slightly, but it was still unnotice. I sigh and wipe the sweaty strands of hair that escaped during my dreamless sleep, away from my forehead. I finished my bottle of water, and then took out my homework and did that for an hour.

After, I was done with that--I was starving so I grabbed an apple from downstairs and ate it. I waddled back upstairs thankful for not having that pregnant walk yet. I go back into my room, to oepn some windows. The cold air rushes at me and I involuntarily sigh.

I peer out the fogged, stainless steel windows to see that it's snowing. In like freakin April. I swear Chicago be on it's period. I close the windows and get back into bed.

I didn't really eat anything except that apple. Plus, my stomach started back hurting again. This was gonna be a long pregnancy. And I can't wait for this thing to get out of me, or have I spoken too soon?

A/n: This took me forever to write. I'm sorry it took me so long, but it's out. I've been soooo busy lately with School. So anyways enjoy the reading, sorry for the errors--I promise it won't take me this long to write. But anyways please do me a favor and check out my other stories. I'll get them up to date soon, I Promise. Thx guys and resume following, voting and commenting. I still respond!!

Have a good weekend... btw I cracked my galaxy phone o.e so much for a good friday, but it coulda been worse so I aint complainin! 

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