Chapter Three

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Haaay boos~ If you like this sequel go check out these urban books on my page.

Life Of a female gangster Series! 

Along For The Ride (future series depending if you guys want it or not)

And Gangsta (A series depending on how the first book goes)


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*Amber Pov

Chapter Three -  No Heartbeat

The school year was ending soon, and I had damn near the perfect grades. I had no idea what was gonna come in the Summer, but I know damn sure that I couldn't wait for it. I had been working way too hard, and hustling every other night was beginning to pay off wel. So I thought.

I had just got out of the car. I wanted to head over to William's house later, but he claimedthat he had some personal issues to adress at home. I was sad, that I couldn't go but understood. He kissed me on the lips, and all my sadness had went away instantly.

We only talked a little bit about what had happened in his room. As bad as we want to get together, but still wanted to make sure our family was alright. I had went into my small Chicago-style house and threw my backpack down onto the dusty floor.

I needed to clean up this place, I thought to myself. Dishes were piled up in the sink, the floor needed sweeping and the living room needed to be cleaned up. Plus, I needed to do all of the laundry. Sometimes, I feel like my Mom was using me because she never did shit, except work.

I have to DO everything. I was surprised that she was home for work. She had came out of her bedroom, wearing a pair of slacks and a workshirt. Her makeup was done perfectly and her black hair hung in a braid formally, down her back.

"You're home early." My Mom says as I began to clean out the sink. I can clean anything else, but when it comes to dishes I hated it.

"Um, I always get home from this time." I say annoyed. It's not like my Mother was out of my life or didn't care, she just chose in which areas to be a parent. Like when I had gotten my first period at the young age of ten she rushed me to the store. I was crying and didn't know what was going on through my body. My Mamma told me it was because my body was preparing itself for a baby.

I didn't understand why the hell it was doing that when I was still a kid. But she told me, that when she was my age she had got it around the same time, so it's nothing to worry about.

I sigh looking back at the memories. My mama was still there, hesitating. And for what?

"What do you want?" I say with a little attitude in my voice. I wasn't trying to be a mean ass daughter but she won't leave me alone.

"You need to pick up Teyjah from that white lady house." My mamma replied, she fished a cig from her purse and sparked it on the stove. She brought it to her mouth and I watched as she inhaled the smoke.

I sigh and dried my hands on a white papertowel.  "And why can't you pick her up?"

"Girl you betta not be questionin me. And for your information, I have a date tonight." She smiled all happy like.

I didn't approve of her dating but it was her life. She can do what she wants. Ever since my Dad dipped out and died on some crazy type stuff, I guess I haven't been all that interested in my Mamma's social life. All I see her do is go to work and come home and sleep. I guess I should cut her some slack, considering how she has to raised me and a two year old.

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