Chapter Eight

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A/n: As you guys may already know, I've been busy these past couple of weeks! I have to focous on School, and with that being said you guys may see few updates for me. But just keep in mind, that I still reply to all of your guys comments, I see who votes & who doesn't. Please keep up the good work & don't give up on me. I will finish these books, if it kills me ! Thank you all for reading and continue to be awesome!

Chapter Eight - Becoming Closer

*Amber's Pov

It's probably been probably three weeks, ever since that incident with Teyjah. I still couldn't look my Mother in her eyes, because of it. Well, after they had released my Sister from the hospital there was some disruption. My Mama had the audacity to come into the hospital drunk. So now after being arrested she called me a few nights ago, asking to bail her out.

All of that hard working money, she earned has to be wasted on her. Just so she can get out of Jail. I was highly pissed, and yeah that's my Mom but you messed up big time.

Teyjah was sound asleep, and I still hadn't returned her calls. Maybe staying in jail for awhile should teach her a lesson. I was going to be eighteen soon anyway, and could take care of myself.

I sigh plopping down on the old worn couches. I often dreamt of big houses like, Tisha Campbel, or Kim Kardashian. Whether they were born into riches or simply worked hard to get what they want, I wanted to be like them.

But I wasn't funny and witty, like Tisha. I wasn't white or slim and had a musician as a Husband like Kim. I didn't have a baby called North West. 

I sighed and rolled over onto the couch. I wanted to get out and have fun. I was sick of having to slang cocaine just to make an easy buck. My phone rang, and I picked it up. I stared at the peeling wallpaper and closed my eyes-- blocking it out. Sometimes, I hated seeing the dirtiness of the house and it made me self-concious.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ayeee girl, how's Tima?" Rachel's slurred voice asked over the phone.

I got up from the couch. I stretched my back and yawned into the phone.

"First off, it's Teyjah. And second off, what the hell do you want?" I snapped getting annoyed at her.

Of course, I was aware of the way she treated me. Like, I was some scum on the face of the Earth & she was like, just the best at everything.

"Dang, my bad." She said. I pictured her rolling her eyes. "Well anyway, I want you to come through. Wanna go to this block party?"

I wanted to go so badly, but who was going to watch Teyjah? I haven't heard anything from the white lady who was suppose to be watching her. The police came knocking on her door a few days after, her leaving Teyjah broken and bloody.

"Looks, like we can't find her." The white policeman said.

That was normal to hear, to a black person. They would go out their way to catch whoever it was, if it was a white person problem. But if it was a black person problem they really wouldn't care.

I had shrugged my shoulderes and vowed to myself that I WOULD find whoever was responsible for having my little sister like this.

"I don't have a babysitter." I say finally to Tina.

"So? Well, we can just leave her at my cousins' house." She said excitedly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know YOUR cousin like that. And after, everything that happened what makes you think I would leave my sister, with some wack-job." I snapped at her.

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