Chapter Six

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A/n: Forgive me for any mistakes you may see right now lol. Please vote and comment and I hope you guys are enjoying this chapter for real this time. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment thank you.

check out my teen fiction book, 'love you everyday like february' coming soon! Exclusively here on my works section.

Chapter Six - What the hell?

*Amina Pov

Omg. I couldn't believe that Pac was kissing me back. This was just too good, it was as if all my dreams of having him for myself were coming true. I wasn't sure what gave me the balls to make me go and kiss him like that, but I know I wanted to do it again...and again.

Pac took in a deep breath and pushed me away from him.

"What the fuck, Amina?" He growled under his breath.

My heart was racing from the intensity of the kiss, and slightly from the scary tone of his voice.

"I can't believe YOU kissed me." He said shaking his head in disbelief.

"But you kissed me back." I reminded him, crawling back onto the passenger side. In a way I felt a little creeped out by my own actions, and a moment of regret washed over my body like a tidal wave crashing into the shores of a beach.

"Yeah but, I know it was a mistake. Yo I'mma drop you off home." Pac muttered under his breath.

I didn't say anything after that and we just rode in silence. I anxiously rubbed my lips on where Pac had kissed me back, and I was smiling on the inside. I have to try that again.

Soon as we reached my shitty of a house, I slid out of my seatbelt and out the car.

"Bye." I said, but Pac had already driven off.

* * *

Rachel POV

I was having serious cramps. I mean was that even possible when you were one month pregnant? Yes one month already. I've been counting down nonstop. I've been paranoid as ever. My belly was getting bigger slowly but not where it was so noticable. I was still stalling telling and letting everyone know.

I just didn't know what to do. My careless actions and Trey won't comitt fully to me. I just didn't know what to do anymore, especially with a guy who never payed attention to me.

For awhile I just sat in my room. I threw up three times because of the baby. I was so scared to go to the doctor. Even my parents were showing concern for me. I just didn't know what and who to talk to.

I grabbed the house phone and dialed Amina.

She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey girl." Amina greeted on the other end,

"Wassup look can you come over, I have a lot to tell you."

"Me too. I bet it can't be as bad as what I have to tell you." She says laughing.

My stomach clenched, if only she really knew what was up with my ass.

"Yah.." I say giving a nervous chuckle.

"Okay see you in thirty minutes. I'm gonna eat first." Amina tells me.

"Kay, bye." And we hang up.

I didn't know how I was gonna tell her. Lord knows I was already nervous as fuck. I know I couldn't tell my parents, but how long were they gonna keep up the facade, of being clueless.

I wipe a few tears that escape from my eyes. This was really fucked up. I was only 14 and pregnant.

They say everything happens for a reason, well I honestly don't know the reason for this shit to happen.

Thirty minutes later I was walking downstairs to let Amina in the house. I wasted no time, telling her.

"I'm pregnant." I say getting it out the way.

Her jaw dropped, "What the hell?"

A/n: A short chapter for you guys. I hope you like it. How do you think Amina is gonna react. Sorry this is so short, I was writing it on my iPad.

Vote and comment thanks. Check out love you everyday like February. A new black teen fiction.

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