Chapter Seven

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A/n: Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. i hope you guys are enjoying the sequel so far. Excuse me for any errors that you may see. Some action is going to start up a little bit more soon. Make sure you check out these other urban books.

1) Life of a female gangster triology.

2) Along For The Ride

and  3) Love You Everyday Like February

Chapter Seven -  A 'new' start


"I'm pregnant." Rachel said looking at me unexpectedly. I came over to tell her how I had kissed Pac, and she threw this news at me. My eyes widened and I glanced up at her up and down. I waited five minutes to see if she was joking around, but she didn't say anything.

"For real?" I say in shock. The small clock kept on tick-tocking, annoying the heck outta me. I swallowed thickly and took a breath through my nose.  I couldn't  believe that my best friend was telling me this. I wasn't even sure if i should tell her about Pac now.

Rachel looked at me for a moment, and then her eyes got all glossy like. She looked like she wanted to cry.

"IT'S Trey's. He didn't accept it at first, but he said he'll come around only for the baby." She said sniffling.

"Rach.. you're too young though." I say wrapping my friend in a hug.

Rachel sniffed and wiped her nose once the embrace was over.

"I know. I messed up. I guess what people say at School was right. I am a slut." She says in a shaky breath.

I felt so bad for Rachel. It was true. A lot of poeple did consider her one. But what really grinded my gears were people made fun of her for it. When in reality she's smarter than she knows. We all make dumb mistakes but people shouldn't go about and judging her.

"it's okay. But are you gonna... abort it?" I ask finally.

She looked at me like I had ten heads. "Maybe the right thing would be to abort it. But I feel like I'm murdering someone. Even if the Doctor is doin it' well in a way I'm letting him." Rachel says in a slow breath.

Amina didn't know how to respond to that. For a split second she was relieved that she wasn't the one pregnant. She felt bad for her friend, because her life was going to be changed upside down. She hoped when she told William he won't get pissed. William always thought RACHEL was a no goody goody, this will just give him another reason.

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