Chapter Five

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Chapter Five - A kiss and a pep talk.

*Amber's Pov

I was glad that the Doctor had told me that Teyjah would be okay. I had called my mama like ten times, and texted her about forty times. She still never answered her phone. I didn't know whether to be pissed off at her, or relieved. In a way she acted as if she could give two-shits about me or Teyjah but all of that was gonna change.

William was there with me, and he had told me not to worry. Normally, if Tina had told me THAT I would have bitched her out. I took in a deep breath as I tried to erase Teyjah's body broken and bloody from my mind.

"Are you okay?" William asked me.

He had circles undernearth his eyes, and he was in serious need of a haircut. I felt bad calling and dragging him here, because in truth he had enough of his problems as it was.

I nod my head, because I honestly felt like I was gonna be okay.

"Good." He smiled and took my hand. We laced our fingers together. Through all the drama I knwo that I could always depend on William. He always seemed so strong, and fought for what he believed was wrong and what was right.

"Thank you, for being here." I tell him. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips, and it seemed as if all my worries were evaporating.

Our tongues met in synch as we got into a deep kiss. I felt electricity pour through my body making me convulse in a wave of pleasure. I wrapped my arms around his neck and guiding our tongues and lips in perfect harmony. This was probably one of the best kisses I've ever had.

We gasped for air five minutes later, and I blushed slightly from the brief makeout session. It was probably around six pm and I was getting sleepy. William suggested that we should go home, and not to stress over it. Teyjah was bandaged up and was in the intensive care unit. They needed to give her some fluids because she was slightly dehydrated. Other than that they already worked on her wounds.

I would have to slave on the blocks of the streets extra hard, if I wanted to pay her medical bill because she didn't have insurance.

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