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Tomato themed questions because why not

Answer questions if you like, interact with me because I'm bored

Do you like tomatoes?

Yes, I like tomatoes quite a bit

Do you cut up your tomatoes or eat them like apples?

Either way, but mostly like apples

Store bought or home grown?

Again, I'll eat both but home grown are always nice, especially if I take them right out of the garden and they're all warmed by the sun

Tomato themed quotes?

(Why would anyone other than me have a tomato themed quote, you ask? Well, I don't know)

"It's hard to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a home grown tomato." -Lewis Grizard

Tomato themed hawks?

No...well, maybe, I'd like to see that actually

Tomato themed hacks?

(Why? What is a tomato themed hack? Well I'LL SHOW YOU)

If you like your tomatoes all warm like they've been out in the sun, wether you've got them from a store and you want your tomatoes to feel home grown because you're insane like me, use a fork to put holes in your tomatoes (so they don't explode) and microwave them for like thirty seconds at most unless they're really cold tomatoes

Fondest memory involving a tomato?

(???) When I was little, like really little, (three or four years old or older) my mom had a really big garden with lots of tomatoes, so I went out there in the garden (the sunflowers were literally three times my height if that helps with scale) and sat there in the labyrinth of the garden and ate the sun baked tomatoes for a long time, it was amazing

Do you enjoy the scent of tomatoes?

Yes, I love the scent of tomatoes, I've literally bought tomatoes just so I could smell them

I love the smell of tomatoes

Do you put tomatoes in fruit salad?

No, never, why

"Knowledge is knowing tomatoes are fruits. Wisdom is not putting them in a fruit salad."

Does this chapter make literally any sense at all?


Any final words?

Tomatoes. Bye.

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